Chapter 23

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Roses are red, Violets are blue. And fuck those flowers, I miss you.

Sorry, I wish I could be a poet but I really couldn't. But I would write millions of poems if that would suit you. I would fly over thousands of miles of ocean just to see your smiling face. I am so sorry how everything changed because of me. Just know, things will soon blow over. I have so much to tell you but so little room to write. I can't fathom how much you affected me. I hope you have an amazing birthday, I wish I could be there and along with your graduation. I love you. I know this isn't the way we both wanted things to be but it is how it has to be. 

In time, all things will change for the better.



p.s- If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you. (Found that quote and I knew it would be perfect.)

. . . .

"Smile!" The photographer, Kelly, told Tracey who was posing by a tree. I was looking at my phone for the hopes of receiving even a one worded text from Niall. But nothing. 

"Scarlett come get in the picture with me!" Tracy called. I sighed and bent down and put my cell phone on the ground, might as well actually try to enjoy this.

I walked over to Tracy, she pulled me for a hug. "Smile!" 

The flash went off. "I can't believe you two are graduating, it's insane! I remember you two use to wear matching outfits all the time. Your parents would literally have to change you guys."

I chuckled, "I remember that. That was the worst time of my life, we looked terrible."

"Hey, we pulled off those outfits. Even was jealous of us in sixth grade."

"Oh totally." I said, sarcastically, "I mean our ponytails, overalls, and bright blue eyeshadow." 

"Okay, we weren't that hot but hey puberty did pretty well. We don't wear that eyeshawdow anymore."

"And thank God for that." 

"Would you guys be willing model for me again after I get my studio started?" Kelly asked as she glanced at her camera, "I think it would help with my clientele."

"I don't think I should." I took a sip of my waterbottle. "Just because, not everyone is still okay with what happened."

"They'll get over it, soon." Tracey said.

"You're right." Kelly said, "Sorry, that I mentioned it. I am going to head to my car to grab my other lenses." 

"Okay, let me hear it." Tracey looked at me.

"Hear what?" 

"Your big speech. Hello?"

"Funny story-"

"Are you kidding me? You really need to get it together. You have two days until graduation, and one of them we are shopping for dresses. What the hell are you going to do?"

"Calm down. I'll think of something."

"You can't just wing this speech, Scarlett. It's important."

"You don't think that I know that. I am trying. It hasn't been the easiest thing, you know."

"Your speech is suppose to make these last four years all worth it."

"Don't pressure me. I am trying, honestly. I just don't know why I was asked."

"You have had a stable 4.0 since 6th grade." 

 "I mean, there's other kids in our school who have way better grades than I have. Plus, I am just going to get booed."

"Tyler will kick ass if they boo, the whole school is scared shitless of him." I rolled me eyes and looked at my phone. No new messages.

"If you keep staring at that phone, it's going to drive you insane."

" He wrote me that letter and I just-- he has been gone for almost a month now." I told her. 

"Don't stress it. The only thing you should stress is the speech."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"Stick around, kid." She hopped off the bench and put her arm around me, "Me and you. We're like peanut butter and jelly."

"But you're allergic to peanut butter."

"I still eat it." She shrugged.

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