Chapter 8

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Tracey and I walked into Biology the next day talking about the night before.

"So wait, why did Christy yell when you got home?" Niall was listening in as he shuffled papers.

"My back was green and so was my hair. I also got paint on my clothes. She freaked out when she was doing laundry. I tried telling her it was no big deal but you know how she is."

"Green? Like from the set?" Tracey asked. I nodded and I sat down, I turned my body so I could keep talking to her. 

"How did that happened? What were you doing?" I quickly glanced over at Niall, who smiled. Luckily Tracey didn't follow my gaze. "I fell against the set."

"Oh. Well, I got to go take myseat before Mr. Hard-ass yells at me." She rolled her eyes.

I watched Niall as he looked over his notes. The warning bell rang, Niall looked at me. I winked at him, and his face turned red.

"Was Christy pissed about the soda?" Tyler plopped down in the seat next to me, "A little."

"Well she texted me."

"You're kidding."

"Yupp, she actually texted me."

"What? Why? What did she say?" My eyes were nearly about to fall out of my head.

"Nothing really. Just how she misses seeing me around and heard my truck last night and she as glad you and I are getting along. And she may or may not have invited me to dinner, tonight." He mumbles the last part.

"Come again?" 

"Looks like we are having dinner together." He smiled at me. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Great. Perfect. Kill me now.

"Staring is very, very, very rude. Keep your eyes on your project, Mr. Horan." I commanded after school. 

"I can't help it, Miss Adams, I am looking at a work of art right now." I bit my lip to conceal my smile and my back was to him as I painted the last touched on the hillside.

I turned around, "Can I ask you something?"

"No, I am not an actual blonde." 

"No I just-- wait really? Not the point, I'm being serious."

"So am I." He winked, then sighed. "Okay, what's your question?"

"Why were you so mad the other day?" He looked away.


"It's nothing."

"Niall, tell me."

He pulled me close and looked me in the eyes, "Scarlett, its nothing. Don't worry."

"I give up." I threw my hands up. I turned away from him. Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me close. 

 "If it was important, I would tell you. Okay?" I looked away. He tilted my chin to face him, "Okay?"

I rolled my eyes.

"You're going to ruin your pretty eyes."

"Whatever." I rolled them again.

Niall pressed him lips to mine, me off catching me off guard. My arms somehow made their way around his neck. He pulled back and smiled at me.

"What?" I demanded. "Do I have paint on my face?"

"You're so." He paused as he tucked a loose strand of my hair, behind my ear. "Beautiful and perfect in everyway."

Something just clicked. I grabbed his face and softly pressed my lips to his. He leaned against the table behind him. His hands gripped my waist. I put my hands on the hem of Niall's tank top and pulled it over his head. He grinned devilishly at me, I reciprocated the same smirk.  

Niall kissed me again. My phone began to buzz, Niall moved his lips to my neck. I couldn't think, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

"Don't answer." 

I ignored him and hit accept, "Hello?" Niall kept sucking on my skin.

"Hello? Where the hell are you?" Christy demanded.

"Detention, why?" I bit my lip when Niall's hands started going down my body.

"I thought you were going to Alex's recital. If not it's fine but she really wants you here."

Niall undid my jeans, "I want you." He whispered softly in my other ear.

"Christy. I have to go. Tell her I am so sorry." I hung up.

I looked at Niall, "I have to go." 

"Not so fast." He lifted me onto the table. 

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