Chapter 4

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I wiped my sweaty forehead. 

"Hot isn't it?" Niall said. "The theater." More like you.

"Why don't they turn on the air conditioner. I am dying and if I have to spend another five days in here painting a set, the least they could do is turn it on." 

"I agree." He laughed. "So do you have plans for college?"  Mood killed.

"Sort of. Kind of. I guess." I said as I continued with the details of the rolling hills.

"What kind of answer is that?" He grinned. "Most kids usually have an idea. I thought you'd have one."

"I have no idea what I am doing with my life. I mean I have gotten offers but I can't seem to decide on a school or major. I would be lucky if I could figure one of those problems. Not everyone wants to be high school biology teacher." I teased.

"You'er really sassy. You know. It's quite enjoyable. But as far as getting your life together, no one has anything figured out. We are all kind of figuring it out, winging it together."

"That was deep. I'm surprised you don't write books or give speeches. You'd be really fantastic." He just smiled in return. 

"So how did you get stuck on set painting? Usually we have students who live for this." 

"I volunteered." 

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"I  wanted to get involved more with the school. If I am going to be here for a while, might as well improve the student life. No one wants to preform with a shitty set." He began sanding down a door.=, his back muscles flexed with each move. Stop, Scarlett. You are being a creep, right now. 

"So why America?" I changed the subject to distract myself from the fact I was becoming attracted to him.  

He stopped sanding, "You ask a lot of questions."

I shrugged, "Life poses all sorts of questions. So if you don't ask, you won't ever learn and then you won't ever grow."

"True. To answer your question, I don't really know why I wanted to be in America. Well and I didn't want to stay in Ireland, and learn a new language. It just felt right."

"Make sense." I continued to stare at him, just for the hell of it. He was pleasant to the eye. I wondered what else he'd be pleasant at.

"Quit staring at me." He spoke.

I turned my attention to the hills, hiding my smile.

"Christy! Okay, so for dinner, I was thinking fajitas. I really want to eat something with hot sauce or maybe even wings. What do you think?" I closed the back door to our house. She didn't reply, maybe she was gone. I walked into the living room, "Christ-" I screamed. Christy's mouth was locked on to her boyfriend's. "Oh God."

"Scar, Jesus, you're home early." she stood up abruptly and was rebuttoning her blouse. Gross."Oh hey, Todd. Please tell me your pants are zipped."

"Nice to see you too." He smiled embarrassed, his thick Ukrainian accent evident. His face was bright red.

"Well, I'm gonna go make a sandwich. If you need to cool off, the hose is out back." I smiled. I walked back into the kitchen, I bit my lip to conceal my laughter. I grabbed the jelly and peanut butter, and the homemade bread out of the fridge and cabinet.

Christy strolled into the kitchen, "You suck." 

"Hey, if you wanted time to yourself, you can go upstairs." I winked. "Just use protection. I have some condoms in my top dresser in my nightstand."

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