Chapter 27

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This wasn't happening. 

Niall fucking Horan wasn't here in my arms, right now.

Even if it was a dream, I wasn't going to let go, "You're here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He kissed my forehead.

"Are those happy tears?" He asked as he wiped them away. 

I nodded, "What do you think? How is this even happening?"

"Your family arranged it, I got it the okay from my lawyer. I know that this isn't the way you planned for things to happen but I just knew I had to be here for this moment."

I smiled, "This is absolutely crazy, you know. Are you coming to the graduation party?"

"No, you ahead. But I was thinking I could have you for later tonight." 

"Done. I'm there. When and where do I met you?"

"Right here, tonight at seven. Come alone." He smiled. I pressed my lips to his.

"Alright settle down over there. I need my niece over here." Christy yelled.  

I held Niall's hand as we walked back over to them. People stared of course, but they couldn't do anything about us now. Plus, they could go fuck themselves. I was holding the hottest guy's hand so I didn't have time for their judgement. 

" Niall would you get a picture of me and the graduates?" She handed him the camera. 

"Of course, Ms. Adams." He smiled. 

Christy and I walked over to them. We all hugged each other and smiled,"Say coláiste!" He spoke in Irish. 

"Wait." Tyler stopped him, "What the hell does that mean?" 


I looked at Christy, Tyler and Tracey, we all shrugged, "coláiste!" I'm pretty sure we didn't even say it right but hey, it's the thought that counts.

Niall said he needed to do something before our date tonight so he was going to head out.

I watched as he left, boy did I love watching him leave. That butt, though. "I can't believe he is here." I looked over at  Christy who was looking through the pictures. 

"I thought I would do something nice for you."

"You hate him."

"No, well I disapprove of him but you're 18. It's no like I couldn't hide you from him. But I'm glad you are happy that he is here."

"Thank you." 

"Let's get you home."

I sat on the couch watching SpongeBob with Alex.

"I want to be Sandy from Halloween." She exclaimed. 

"You got it. I will most defintely make that happen. Can I be Sandy too?" I poked her. 

"NO!" She yelled, "You can be plankton."

I gasped, "What?"

Christy came downstairs holding an envelope, "Oh hush. I have something for you."


"Open it and then I'll explain."

She handed me the evelope.  Murphy Law Office, "Ooo, fancy."

I tore the letter open.

Dear Miss Adams,

I was recently contacted by a source and they have told me that you are now 18. Congrats on graduation as well. I have some exciting news. When your parents passed on, they left ALL of their money to you. As of tomorrow you will have 4.3 million dollars deposited into your back account.

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