Chapter 19

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I sat on the floor for two hours holding the jersey, the only part of him that I had left. I didn't cry, I couldn't cry even if I tried. I just sat there like silent, wishing I could go back and change things. I looked over at my clock.

9:39. "Fuck." I said. I stood up fast and ran downstairs. "Christy?" I waited for a minute. "Alex?" They were still gone.

I sighed in relief and I grabbed my keys to my car off of the wooden plank and ran out the garage door. I didn't care if CHristy punished me or anything. Nothing I could handle anyway.

I gripped the wheel of my carjust to keep my hands from trembling. 30 minutes later,  I turned into the parking lot of Niall's apartment. I jumped out of the car and ran inside the building, I saw the elevator doors closing, "Wait hold them please!" I yelled. Too late. I sighed in frustration as I pushed the button for the next elevator. Two second later, the door opened and I pushed the Niall's floor.

When I reached his place, I grabbed the keys and opened the door.

Everything was still there, I sighed and closed the door. My heart jumped at the thought that Niall might still be here,"Niall." I called. I waited for a moment. And finally the silence answered my question.

I pursed my lips, just to keep from crying. "No crying. He's gone for now. Not forever, just for now." 

I walked into the hallway and into the bedroom, and every memory hit me. I went into his closet, nothing. 

Bathroom. Nothing. 

Guest room. Nothing either. 

Guest bathroom. Nothing. 

I walked back to the living room, still nothing. I looked over at the kitchen and something caught my eye. I walked over to the counter. There was a white envelope addressed to me. 

I picked it up and wasted no time in ripping it open. 

Dear Scarlett, 

I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you and your family. But this distance will NOT ruin our relationship it will only strengthen it. I wish I could write more but I am going to miss my flight. I will try to talk to you soon. I love you. 

- N

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