Chapter 22

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Two weeks had passed since all the drama started. No one has said a thing to me ever since Tyler and Kody's fight. Most people avoided me at all cost. Tracey said it was a good thing but I didn't want people to fear me because of Tyler.

I hadn't heard from Niall and it was eating me alive, I missed hearing his voice and go on about genetics. 

Classes seemed like they were droning on so after first period, I decided to head home. I wasn't in the mood to deal with everyone.

"Hey!" Tyler caught up to me as I got out of my car.

"You followed me? Are you grounded or something?" I demanded.

"Tracey called me to come check on you." He said.

 "I don't want to go back, or talk." I told him. "You need leave me alone. I appreciate you standing up for me but don't forget, you are the reason why this all happened."

"Excuse me?" He stepped back.

 "You did this to me. I am sorry but I have to admit it but you ruined my life!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled, "Wow, Scarlett. You are the most impossible person on the planet."

"Whatever, Ty." I walked inside the house, he followed.

"I defended you-" 

"That's the least of things you could have done. You told."

"I had your best interest at heart." 

"You can't be serious? Tyler I am done trying to explain things to you!"

"What about us? We had plans to go to college at WSU. Start a family and-" Tyler stopped. "You don't want that anymore do you?"

"Tyler, god, no. Not anymore. those plans were from when we were together but we're not. I thought I didn't deserve anyone better than you but I do. I deserve more than you ever gave me. I will always love you but you have to let me go."

Tyler's jaw was set.

"Tyler, I loved you so much. But please." I walked over to him and held his hands, "We about to graduate and I want you to go to college without me. I want you to open up your heart and love will find its way in."

"I am so sorry, I always will be in love you. You were my first love." Tyler said.

I looked him in the eyes, "I'm just the first of many. Some girl is going to come into your life and she's going to make you forget all about me. And all I will ever be is just some girl who cause the most drama in the world during senior year. Move on, I am begging you." I pulled away and he looked at me one last time before walking out of the house.

My phone went off, filling the empty house.

"Hello?" I prayed to God it was Niall.

"How are you holding up?" Tracey questioned.

"Hey. I'm fine, I guess. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go graduation dress shopping with me?"

I sighed, "Graduation is really that close?"

"Yes ma'am. It's coming whether or not you like it. Have you started your valedictorian speech yet?"

"Shit! No, with all this drama, it's been the last thing on my mind." I slapped my forehead.

"You better get started, you were told two months ago."

"I know, it's just-"

"I know. Drama. Drama. Drama. Please tell me you didn't forget about pictures tomorrow."

"No." I lied.

"Jesus! Scarlett! My cousin is counting on us."

"I'm sorry. I'll be there. I swear." I continued into the kitchen.

"Okay, pick out three outfits and I'll see you tomorrow! Remember we still have to plan how crazy your 18th birthday is going to be. Bye." She hung up.

I looked on the counter and saw a letter addressed to me. It had an Irish stamp on it. I grabbed it and tore it open.

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