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Dear Cast and Crew of Carmilla,
thank you all very much for creating a show, that affected my life so much, in a positive

Besides from all the
awesome, badass and queer ladys, I finally found a character that resonated with my gender
identity and helped me figure out who I am. Thank you to
Kaitlyn Alexander, for making Laf come to live and for inspiring me personally. Seeing the cast being so passionate about this project and their dreams made me
believe in my own ambitions.
I am now starting my first semster at a music college where I study
to become a professional musician.
Special thanks to Natasha whose music (I can't wait to hear more one day) encouraged me to continue writing my own. Thanks to Elise who is just a gem. You make me happy and inspire me to be a better person, every
Thank you to everyone who helped bringing my favourite fictional couple on screen and who helped building a great
story around it.

Lots of love from Germany

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now