Part 10

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Now we are sitting having dinner at Coughs. I don't feel like talking or eating. I was right. Form killed me. I couldn't get or do anything so in he end Miss Gurnos, my form tutor said I could go. I went straight to my next class. Now, I stare straight down at my blood pack. It doesn't look like food. It looks like someone laugh if at me. I don't know why. I feel hurt on the inside. I feel an arm go round me. It's Joe's. It's almost like he knows when I need shoulder to cry on.
I eat my blood pack  reluctantly. We go home and Carrie instantly suggests we play a game. God. How do I say no? 

I try to focus on the game instead on my 'secret', but that feels impossible. The game is cluedo and it's my turn.
"Ummm Spanner, Dining room Purple man." I sigh. I decided to end the game by going to the middle. Even if Im wrong we will pack up. I check the cards. By some utter miracle, I'm right. I show the others and they stare at me with an odd look. I sink into my chair. I can't stand being stared at.

At night we decide to lock Luna's door, just to avoid things. As usual, Diana comes to sleep with me, I think she thinks I'm gonna die. No, that won't happen. I hope. I push that thought out my mind. I relax ready for sleep. For some reason, I find it easier to sleep when I'm worried. I don't think that is normal, but I'm not really normal, am I?

After unlocking Luna, we decide that we should do something interesting after school. No one has any ideas what though. We agree that we should think about it during school.

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