Part 11

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Man this is awesome. After  some mega research on vampires I found out we can eat normal food. Man this is awesome. That means all of us can eat normally but choose to eat differently. Joe chooses not to eat most the time because apparently the thought of his organs working though he was dead made his mom feel sick. To celebrate this news, we are in Pizza Express, getting slot of strange looks.

The food comes and I say thank you and smile at the waiter. He looks at me and runs off. I instantly know why. My face. My fangs bare when I try to smile and my eyes are red. Obvious I'm a vampire. My insides hurt. I bet you didn't know this, but vampires don't have organs, we function on blood which is why, up until now, I have only eaten blood. I better go see  if I can find some. God. This will be awkward. I walk up to the counter and ask if there I'd a butchers nearby. The person at the counter says that there is one down the road and asks why. I smile. They understand and show there ears. They are pointed, like Luna's. I nod and walk down to the butchers. Another awkward lies ahead.

After a long chat with the butcher he gives me what I came for do I go back to the others. As I get back the others are talking about something and laughing. I fear they may be talking about me.

"Why are you her best friend?  She is just a pointy toothed killer!" I hear Luna say. That comment is like a stab to the imaginary heart. I run home, back past the clubhouse to at my stuff, and tell my parents everything, from the strange texts, to Luna's remark. I feel hurt all over. All I want now is someone to trust me.

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