Part 34

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"Come on! We can make it!" I yell out. We are winning but are low on pep. I spin my daggers and plunge them into the heart of an officer behind me.  Joe picks me up and flies me up high. I don't know why. I look up at him. He looks into my eyes and sighs "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."I have no choice but Joe's words calm me. I relax. Big mistake. He let's go. I fall down. My brain doesn't work properly. I try to fly but I can't for some reason. I panic. "Look the leaders falling! She is good to die! The sun is coming up!" an officer cries out. Poop. He's right. The sun has risen and my sun protector is turned off in Joe's backpack which is on the ground. This is it. I close my eyes. My life flashes in the blackness of my vision. I lose consciousness.

"Please?" Joe says pleadingly.He looks deep into my eyes, I look into his. "Well it was nice talking to you," he grumbles and puts his headphones on. I throw a rock at the back of his head and he turns to look at me, smiling. I don't smile back, my fangs show when I do.

My vision blurs.

It's the end of the school day."So, you are a vampire?" a boy asks. I  recognise him to be Carlo, so I reply with confidence, "Yeah, so what? It doesn't concern you and I am ending this conversation." He stares at me so I throw a rock at him. Big mistake. He looks over his shoulder to his friends, Joe is one of them. He turns back to me and pushes me against the wall. He punches me in the face, normally I would punch back but one of his friends as held my hands. Another friend grabs my legs and they push me to the ground, Carlo still punching me. "Get off me you toad faced little cow!" I yell. He kicks me in the stomach then stops attacking for a second. "Guys, you keep a hold but take her over there," Carlo points over. I was standing in the shade because I didn't have my sun protector. They drag me out into the sunlight. A smell of burning fills the air. I struggle to breathe. I try to yell out with no success. Suddenly, I lose my consciousness.

I lie in a bed. It has been a few days since the incident with Carlos. Apparently, after I fainted, they left me there and I was left there until after school closed. I feel weak all over. I have been in a bed for nearly a week. Vampire Burns are way worse than human burns and can kill if not treated properly. There is a knock at the door and Joe walks in. I didn't feel like talking to him. I roll over. "Come on Mariah, let me speak," he sighs and pulls me over to gave him. He looks into my eyes, as if he didn't notice the burns on my face and arms. I look into his eyes like he is an idiot, but weaken and let my head rest on his lap while I cry. "How could they do this to you? I'm sorry, I should have done something but they blackmailed me," he whispers.

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