Part 24

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Right. We are off to Serenity. Just us five. I am out of hospital, fully healed and after a day of sleep, both me and Diana are feeling fine. Woop woop! Yeah I remember the mission, but celebration comes first. Also, step 1, I need to break the supernatural rules. They we're made by the officers and if you remember, supernaturals can't be officers. Officers are our government by the way. If we prove them wrong thats a start.

That was awesome. Good food, good waitresses and waiters, good service. Pretty much good everything. Now, onwards with the plan. Step 1 didn't work like we hoped. As you know, I am famous. I got kidnapped, attacked and blood lusted. I have been on every newspaper and the news. No one hasn't heard of me. That brings us to step 2: attack

We are going to attack the stations one by one in order of smallest to biggest. Yes, I know that isn't legal, but they are creating laws it is too hard to live by. We no longer care. We may start public complaints. Like a controlled riot style thing. Using social media, Luna has got people all other the city helping out. She got famous and not to famous people from all sorts of backgrounds. We are meeting up with them this Thursday. It's the first official meeting of the SSSS. Supernatural safe and sound society. Carrie came up with the name. I think it's awesome.

We hang out in the clubhouse. Martin and Luna's dad are sleeping outside in mini tents. It's kinda funny. I don't know why. It just makes me laugh. During the day, we plan and at night, we discuss the plans and get in touch with the rest of the SSS and share what we have got.

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