Part 15

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Five weeks and four days. That's how long I have been in this rotting hell on earth. Oddly enough, my kidnapper hasn't done anything. Once a day he brings me blood to drink then stands there in the shadows for a few minutes, then leaves me. I am going slightly insane.

It's night time now. I'm both scared and surprised that I haven't had my blood today. In the dark, I can see a figure, it's not my kidnapper. He is tell, but he is sort of glowing a little bit. It's Joe.

Joe unlocks my cage and I happily let him hug me. He picks me up like I am weightless and tells me to hold onto him. He runs straight into a wall and we glide through it. Once safely outside, Joe hands me my sun protector (even though it's night time)  and  smiles down at me, still holding me. I smile up at him. He hugs me closer and kisses the top of my head.

The others are waiting for us at the bottom of the hill. Because my burns haven't been treated and I have been deprived of movement for nearly two months, I can't walk properly. Joe carries me back to my house. We decide to sleep at the clubhouse but we need to tell my parents I'm safe. On the way I fall asleep

Vampires are weightless actually. Werid fact. That's why it was so easy for my kidnapper and Joe to pick me up. I looked it up on my laptop.

The others explain everything that happened. I had been taken to another town. The others speant a long time searching for me the day I, went and when the couldn't find me, the called to police. The police told them that this had happened to a lot of vampires between the ages of 10-17. They said they attacks had mostly happened in a neighbouring town, where I was taken, by a person who they think is a evioscientist. Evioscientists are people who use supernaturals in experiments to prove they are dangerous. What they think he did was drain me of energy for a lot long than five weeks. Apparently I had been there nearly three months. In the time I wasn't awake, my energy was being drained which is why I couldn't walk or move. Apparently my friends got fed up of waiting for the police so got to it to come and find where I was. Apparently Joe went alone and knocked out my kidnapper, waiting for the police to get there, then came and got me. He went alone because he could go through walls if something bad happened.

At night, both, Diana and Joe sleep with me. They take up most the bed so I decide to sleep on the floor. A text bleeps my phone.

Luna Woven: So, Joe has got a thing for you. He obviously likes you and you obviously no longer hate him. If you two have a thing, I won't judge. I don't want to cause anymore trouble.

And another one.

Police: Dear Miss Via,
We are glad you are back home but would be very glad if you couldgive us any info that we dont already have. We are sure yoyr friends will havr explalined everything to you. They are true friends and you are lucky to have such great companions.
Supernatural Crime  Department

I tell the police I have no info and send Luna the winking happy face.  I feel good. It's a weekend tommorow so I can spend the entire day with my friends which I know will be good.

I fall asleep smiling but wake up screaming and crying. My dream was haunted by the figure of Joe, lying pale and still on the floor, blood pouring out his chest and a voice says "It's all your fault." My screaming wakes Joe who floats down next to me and hugs me. I don't realise how much danger my friends could have been. I should have gone to vampire school. I hug Joe and he strokes the back of my head and whispers "It's OK Mariah. No one is gonna hurt you. I'm here." I look into his reassuring eyes. They call me and I feel myself fall asleep onto him. I feel him stay still  for a second then fall asleep next to me.

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