Part 17

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What I just did sounds stupid. It's a Monday, so what do you think I did. Obviously I went to the bins. I did go with my friends though. No one was there, unsurprisingly.

So far it has been an odd day. People kept offering me dead stuff to eat. Nah man, that's not happening. God that sounded aweful. Forget I ever said that.

We go to our favourite place. The grassbup by, the science labs. It's a nice place. The only problem is that it's right in the sun. Luckily, sun protectors work by tracking your movement, so I can't be pushed out of the shadow it creates. That's happened before, people try and push me out my shadows. It doesn't work.

OK. I want to say something but no it's the wrong thing to say. "Joe, can I ask h-"

"How I died? Yeah sure. You won't believe me but oh well." He interrupts, "I was walking and then I was dead. I can't really remember what happened." I knew that wasn't true, he just didn't want to talk about it. I looked into his eyes. He knew that I knew that. It was obviously a hurtful experience.

Because Halloween is not really a thing to us, we kinda muck them up for other people. That's why Carrie had the idea that we should go to the Halloween party at school. It will be fun. Like always when we muck up Halloween.

We are eating in the dining room and talking. Nothing suspicious has happened and isn't going to. That's what we all keep saying, hoping it is true.

I have to carry Diana to her bed. She fell asleep shortly after eating. Joe comes in my room again. I don't complain. Why should I? He is my friend. If your thinking otherwise, well.

I am woken by the sound of glass smashing. Its my window. I scream and hide underneath my duvet, dragging Joe down with me to protect us from the glass shards. I sense someone enter through the smashed windows. I can hear Carrie running into my room. "Mariah! Look out!" She yells. I feel someone grab round the duvet, it's my best friend the kidnapper. He carries me, now out the duvet, to the windows when suddenly, he drops me and screams. Joe has just kicked him in the stomach. Carrie kicks him too which makes him fall faint to the ground. Those two are suprisingly strong.

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