The Escape

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I hid under the straw matress, which I called a bed, as I heard a slam from the wooden front-door downstairs.

"ELLIE!!" Came a terrifying shout from the bottom of the staircase. "GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

I continued to hide under my bed, petrified. My head was pounding and my heart was racing faster than it had ever done before in my entire life. When suddenly, I head a loud BANG!  I cautiously surfaced from under the straw matress and tip-toed to my damaged bedroom door. I peered my head out into the landing, hoping that he wouldn't spot me. He was laying down at the bottom of the stairs, unconscious. I decided to this as my oppertunity to make an escape, before taking a deep, yet silent, breathe and tip-toeing down the creeky staircase.  "Only 5 more to go. It'll be fine." I though, reassuring myself, as I heard his slurred-breathing, whilst he lay there with his eyes shut.. I then reached the bottom stair, where I had to complete my next obstacle, successfully stepping over him. I raised my left leg when all of a sudden his eyes began to open. I quickly placed my left foot on the other side of him, which was shortly followed by my right one.

He grabbed my leg, still laying there, as I tried to dash out of the prison that was otherwise known as home.. "Don't even think about it, you little-" He threatened me, as I cut him off by pulling my leg out of his grasp and booting him in the jaw with it. This caused him to re-form unconsciousness and allowed me to evacuate the hell-hole. I ran out of the wooden door, not taking any objects or money with me and bolted down the street, hoping to find somewhere to go. 

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