Kyle's P.O.V. I'm Such An Idiot

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Me and the DSC were talking about gang stuff but the whole time my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't stop thinking about Ellie. I know I dumped her but that was only because us dating made her a target for the MSB. Usually, I wouldn't give a stuff about Eugene and that lot but they could seriously do some damage, both mentally and physically. I can't always be there to protect her. They've already managed to fuck everything up, by forcing me to dump her but trust me, that's the last thing I wanted to do.

Not to mention the fact that I've spent ages trying to find Tariq, who'd decided to go walk about. I spent about twenty minutes trying to call him but he wasn't picking up his phone. I probably look/sound a little bit desperate to speak to him but do you really think I give a shit? 

Eventually, I decided to look in the common-room. When I got there I saw Trudy sat at a computer with Finn. I didn't particularly wanna talk to them losers but maybe they'd know where Tariq was, so it was worth a shot.

"Where's your brother gone?" I questioned Trudy as her and Finn looked up at me. "He's not answering his mobile."

"Maybe he's come to his senses and realized he doesn't wanna hang out with ya'." She replied as I let out a small scoff.

"You mean the same way him and your sister don't wanna hang out with you?" I snapped back at her.

"What?" She asked me, shaking her head slightly and sighing a little. I'd caught Finn's attention now too, not that that's a good thing. I don't want the like's of him trying to eye me up.

"Saw 'em leaving together earlier." I said, looking over at the door. I saw Trudi's facial expression change, almost like she was upset about something, before I smirked at her and left the room.

I continued trying to look for Tariq when I saw Ellie walking down the corridor, being yelled at by Mr Budgen. She didn't seem very interested in what he had to say, not that I'm surprised, she was just walking away from him and ignoring everything that he was saying. I decided to take this as my opportunity to apologize for dumping her to get her to forgive me.

"Listen, about that text-" I tried to explain why I'd sent it but she didn't seem to care as she cut me off, angrily.

"Kyle, just shut up!" She snapped at me before trying to storm away. I was a little taken back by the way she cut me off. I thought she would have let me apologize and forgiven me like before, when I accidentally hit her.

She was just about to leave when I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. I needed to get her to forgive me, I missed her in my life.

"Look I'm sorry alright." I apologized again and tightened my grip on her arm as she tried to pull away. There was no way on Earth I was going to let her get away from me, not without forgiving me at least.

"Kyle can you get off me please!?" She demanded as I shook my head. I wasn't going to let go until we'd made up.

"It was a mistake, please." I pleaded as she shook her head and tried even harder to get away from me. "Just give me another chance."

"Get off me!" She ordered me, anger in my voice, as she pushed me away and her eyes started swelling up. "KYLE! GET THE FUCK OFF!"

Now it was my turn to start getting angry. No-one, and I mean no-one, talk's to me like that. I tried to drag her away as she kept screaming at me to get away. I was so close to hitting her at this point in time but I managed to control my temper. Then, Boston and Mr Clarkson decided to step-in, not that they were wanted/needed.

"Oi! Break it up!" Miss Boston shouted at us once Ellie had started crying like she usually does. I was being held back by Mr Clarkson, who was holding me by the collar of my shirt. I tried to make it difficult for him to hold me by moving around aggressively but he managed to keep hold of me.

"Oh that's right! Cry like you always do!" I yelled at Ellie in a moment of rage, immediately regretting it, as Mr Clarkson dragged me away.

I didn't mean to shout at her, it just slipped out. I spoke to her with the intent that she'd forgive me but all I've done is made thing's worse. I'm such an idiot! She probably hate's me even more now.

"SIT DOWN!" Mr Clarkson practically screamed at me once we reached the cooler. I huffed and threw my bag on the floor next to a desk and I threw myself onto the chair. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYING AT! HARASSING GIRL'S LIKE THAT!"

"What you on about. I didn't harass her." I argued, letting out a small scoff and rolling my eyes at him.

"Right well, I want an essay on harassment to women completed by the end of the day." He stated as I let out another scoff. Is he serious right now? "You're not going anywhere until it's completed."

"You are having a laugh." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Does it look like I'm laughing to you?" He asked me as I shrugged my shoulder's and leant back on my chair, "Do it, now!"

I huffed before starting to write on the paper. Mr Clarkson had to go and teach a class so once he was done I pushed the piece of paper to one side and pulled out my phone. I didn't have any text's but I had a missed call from a blocked number. I re-dialed it and got a shock once I heard the voice down the other end of the phone. It was answering machine so I decided to leave a message ad hang up.

"Hi Ally, it's Kyle. Just calling to see what you wanted. It's been a while, huh. Anyway, best be goin', still in school. Ring me back when you get this, yeah?"

I said down the phone, trying not to sound so surprised by the fact she'd phone'd me earlier. I hadn't spoken to her since we broke up at the start of the year, after I thought she gave birth to my kid but it turned out to be her step-father's. I wonder what she wanted. It's probably not a big deal though. She might have accidentally dialed me or something.

Suddenly, the fire alarm started going off. I'd completely forgotten about the fire-drill. Shit. I got up and went outside, by the side of the school where our fire position's were. When I was leaving, I noticed Ellie in the nurse's room. She was lying down on the bed and Miss Boston was dialing an ambulance. I wanted to go and check if she was alright but the teacher's rushed me, along with a bunch of other people, outside.

I also noticed Josh running upstairs, which was weird considering we were supposed to be leading people outside. He had blood stained on his sleeve and he appeared to be crying. Wait a second, Ellie's in the nurse's and Josh look's like he's just been in a fight. If he's hurt her, I swear to Gosh, I'm gonna kill that fucking prick! 

Once we got outside we all had to line up before Mr Burn announced that we'd done it in two and a half minutes, which was ten minute's faster than our previous time. I really didn't care though, I had more important stuff on my mind. Like the fact that Ally had randomly decided to call me, or the fact that Ellie was in the nurse's office, unconscious.

All of a sudden an ambulance arrived and requested to have a word with Mr Burn. I presumed it was about Ellie but I didn't get to listen to the conversation because Mr Burn told me to get to my next class. I didn't give a fuck about what he had to say but in the end I decided to leave anyway. I was just about to leave when I saw two paramedic's carrying someone on a Gurney. I didn't get time to have a closer look as everyone was rushed away by the teacher's but I knew who it was.

The rest of the day went pretty slowly. All I could think of was Ellie being taken away by the paramedics and being put into an ambulance. I should never have said them mean thing's. What if I'm the person who caused it? I need to go and see her at the hospital, even if she doesn't want to see me. I need to know that she's OK.

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