Kyle's P.O.V. Ellie's Gift And Slumber Party

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Kyle's P.O.V.

I was snapped out of my day-dream by the sound of the bell. I got up from my chair and left the school. I was by the school gates when Ell' came over and told me she was going over to Scout's. I wasn't extremely happy about it but I gave her a nod before walking back home. 

When I arrived back at home I flung my bag onto the ground and sat on the sofa. My mum was on the phone to someone so I just flicked on the TV and browsed through all the channels.

"I don't  care about the fuckin' cost just do it!" I heard my mom yell down the phone before she hung-up and slumped down on a chair. 

"Who was that?" I asked her as she let out a huff.

"What's it to you?" She questioned me as I shrugged and continued browsing through TV channels. I put Jeremy Kyle on and pulled out my phone. Ellie was probably at Scout's now so I decided to send her a text:

Alright babe, how's the slumber party thing going?

Then, I put my phone on a worn-down coffee table besides me and started watching the TV. 

About 10 minutes had passed when my phone buzzed, telling me that I had a new text. A smile was brought my my face when I looked at my phone screen and saw that I had a new text from Ellie.

Playing 21 questions and right now you're the hot topic of discussion xx.

I smiled when I read the text as my mum peered over my shoulders and read it as well. I turned it off as she burst out laughing which really confused me.

"This girl's clearly got issues if she thinks you're good looking." She remarked, smirking and zipping up her jacket. I gave her a sarcastic laugh before rolling my eyes and watching the TV.

I'd been watching it for about half an hour when there was a loud banging on the door.

I opened the door but got a shock when I saw who it was. Ellie.

"How come you're-" I asked her but was cut off as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I could tell she'd been crying earlier but the tears doubled as she hugged me even tighter than before.

"I didn't write that text Kyle, honest." She sobbed, bursting into even more tears. "It was Shona. We'd gotten in an argument before hand and she decided to get even with me by calling you a skank."

I didn't have a clue what she was on about. The only text I'd received was the one telling me what they were up to. However, I'm pretty sure she didn't call me a skank in that. 

We carried on hugging for a few minutes before we pulled apart and I looked at her confusedly.

"What text?" I asked her, wiping a tear from her cheek from when she had been crying a few moments ago.

"You know, the one Shona sent you on my phone." She sniffled as I shrugged. "You did see the text? Right?"

We made our way inside before she began explaining what had happened. I sat there listneing to what she had to say as I felt my body fill with rage. I clenched my knuckles and got up.

"I'll pound that little bitch." I announced, hitting my hand with my knuckle. She shook her head frantically before she hugged me again.

"Please don't Kyle. It'll only make things worse." She pleaded after we'd pulled apart. I let out a sigh before nodding slightly. This wasn't the end of it but I didn't want to make her even more upset, so I just agreed not to do anything... For the time being.

"I know what'll cheer you up." I announced as she looked up at me.

"What?" She asked as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"This." I announced as I pulled out a locket from inside my pocket. She beamed at me before I told her to turn around so I could put it around her neck. "Open it up." I instructed her as she turned to face me before doing what I'd said.

I love you baby :P

"I forgot to give it you on Valentine's day." I admitted as she smiled at me before pulling me in for a hug.

"I love you too." She whispered in my ear as we continued to hug for a few moments before letting go of each other.

We stood there, smiling like this, for about 5 minutes before she finally spoke. "I need to pee." She announced as I let out a small grin. She kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs, into the bathroom. Once she was finished I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us.


What do you guys think so far? What do you want to happen next? Let me know in the comments :-)

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