I've Failed The Big Exam

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Once I'd finished changing I met up with Denzil before we both began strolling to Music with Mr Wilding. Somehow Denzil and I have become great friends, maybe he feels bad about what happened. He's apologised about fifty times already despite me repeatedly assuring him that it wasn't his fault. I don't blame him for what happened, it's just life. My shit, crappy life which consists of pain and heart-break.

For music we just had to perform a song we'd been working on. Denzil and I were working together on a cover of 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons. I felt tears come to my eyes as I sung the lyrics but attempted to hold them back. I was so close to not showing them until the chorus came.

"It's where my demons hide, it's where the demons hide." I sang along to all the lyrics as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

When we'd finished the performance, everyone applauded us before we sat back down in our seats. Other people did their until the bell went for next lesson.

After that we had revision lessons for the exams later.

I was currently sat next to Denzil, in Mr Budgen's class, reading out of the textbook when Mr Chalk burst the door open.

"Sorry to interrupt but your class is needed for Janeece's big suprise." Mr Chalk apologized with a massive smile plastered on his face. What suprise?

"Right, off you go you horrible lot." Mr Budgen dismissed us, removing his legs from on the desk as he put away the newspaper he'd been reading. We all groaned before lugging ourselves out of the classroom and down the corridor, towards the playground.

Non of us really understood what we were doing out here. Is the suprise going to happen out here? Parked in front of us was a pink limo. Obviously it was there to escort Janeece to the wedding, they don't just hire expensive transport for decoration.

We were all instructed to hide behind it while Mr Chalk went to get Janeece. She was currently unaware of the pink vehicle which was about to take her to the wedding.

We'd been crouched on the ground for a few minutes until I decided to peer out, over the side of the limo. I immediately knelt back down when I noticed Mr Chalk making his way out of the door, covering Janeece's eyes with his hands.

"Now!" I heard Mr Chalk announce, mistaking it for our que. I leapt up as she screeched from joy at the limo, beginning to cheer.

Eventually, other people came out of hiding as the play-ground was filled with the sound of people applauding. I looked up to notice people holding 'Go Janeece' signs at the window. She isn't even married yet and people are cheering. I'm happy for her of course, it's just... I've got a bad feeling about Craig. I don't know why, there's just something a little off about him. Even though it could just be me, being paranoid.

"Oi, don't you guys go anywhere because when I come back we're going to have a party." She announced, being held inside Mr Chalk's arms as he carried her to the limo.

"Spread the word, reception's here after school. You're all invited!" He announced, throwing his arms up in the air as everyone cheered even more.

"Wicked. Hey, not bad after our day of exams is it?" Maddie giggled before we all turned to face the limo where Janeece was peering her head out the window, exchanging our farewell's.

Once they'd left we were instructed to go back inside, ready for the exam. I strolled back inside, down the corridor, with Denzil and Maddie until we arrived at the main hall. It was a year eleven and twelve exam so we were all located in the same area. However, we were seated on opposite sides of the room. Year eleven's on the right, year twelve's on the left.

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