New Foster Parents

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Today's the day I get dispatched from the hospital before returning to school. I don't know if I should be relieved or worried, maybe a little bit of both. Our baby girl's alright, for the time being. The doctor's say there are a few minor problems but it's nothing to worry about. I'm a little sad about our baby boy, R.I.P. However, I've been advised to try and forget about what I've lost, instead I should be happy for what's to come. Kyle's visited a couple of times, just to see how the baby and I are doing. We have our first proper scan in a few weeks, not just one that's because of an emergency. Oh yeah, Niamh getting dispatched as well. She's starting year nine today. I promised I'd look after her, seeing how young she is. Not to mention all the cuts/bruises on her face will put her in an awkward position. Apparently, she walked into a lamp-post. Silly girl.

"You ready to go?" I asked Niamh once we'd finished signing out.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She sighed as we both stepped out the hospital's glass double-doors before treading down the concrete steps.

I looked around to see Tariq standing outside an abortion centre, with his hands in his trouser pockets. I went up to him, closely followed by Niamh who looked a little scared.

"Yo! What you doing 'ere?" He questioned me, swaggering over and sucking his teeth once he spotted Niamh. "Who's this little midgit?"

"Leave her alone Tariq." I sighed before he sucked his teeth again, backing away. "She's only young. same age as Naz."

"So, what are you doing here?" He questioned me, leaning back on a metal railing.

"Could ask you the same thing." I replied, looking back at the abortion place. "I presume it's about Trudy."

"Yo, how'd you know about Trudy." He questioned me, standing up from the railing as he came over to me in a threatening manor. I could tell Niamh was a little scared, she hid behind me peering out to look at Tariq, I'm not afraid of him though.

"She told me." I informed him, causing Tariq to glare at me.

"When?" He questioned me again, towering over Niamh and I.

"Before the fun-run." I admitted, grabbing her arm, whilst we rushed away from him. "Come on Niamh, let's get out of here."

We carried on speed-walking, me dragging her along, until we reached the school. Niamh had been questioning me on the way;mainly about Tariq, Kyle and the DSC. I didn't know what to reply with for most of the queries so I didn't say anything at all.

Once we arrived I dropped Niamh off at her class before walking towards lesson one.

Everyone was lined up, outside the classroom, discussing the big exams later today. I really wasn't prepared to sit a test. My heart's broken and my head's still pounding from all the crying I've been doing, especially after I found out that one of my off-spring are dead. I know I should be happy that one of them could still be alive but right now, that's just too hard. He's still my son... He was just born asleep.

"You alright, you look depressed?" Scout quired, looking at me sympathetically. Like I need her sympathy right now, after what she did!

"Like you care!" I snapped at her before storming into the classroom.

"Ay! I didn't say you could come in yet!" Mr Chalk shouted at me as I slumped down on a plastic chair,towards the back of the classroom,resting my legs up on the desk. "Get your legs off the chair!"

"Or what!" I snapped at him, rolling my eyes as everyone gave an 'ooh' after they'd sat in their seats. "You'll sit on me!?"

"Right, that's it. Cooler!" He ordered me, "Now!"

I sucked my teeth as I got up, grabbing my bag from by the side of the desk before storming out. I was nearly at the door when Mr Clarkson burst it open and requested to speak with me. I gave Mr Chalk an innocent grin as I brushed past him, following Mr Clarkson down the corridor.

"There are a few people I'd like you to meet." Mr Clarkson informed me as we continued walking down the corridor. I furrowed my eye-brows and continued walking until we reached Mr Burn's office.

Once we arrived, Mr Clarkson instructed me to wait outside. There was an old couple sitting on the sofa, outside Mr Burn's office, with a teenage boy who was quite cute. He had short, brown, curly hair which was complimented by his gorgeous blue eyes. There was a young girl next to him, who looked about seven or eight, with a lighter shade of blue in her eyes which was covered by a few strands of her long, light-brunette hair.

I sat next to the boy, waiting for Mr Clarkson to return. We exchanged small-talk for a few minutes until he returned, positioning himself in front of me.

"Ellie, I'd like you to meet Mr and Mrs Brooks." He informed me as I looked over at the elderly couple who were smiling at me from the sofa. "Your new foster parents."

"Hello love." The elderly woman greeted me, with a warming smile plastered on her face.

"Hi." I greeted her, nervously faking a smile until I re-focused on Mr Clarkson. How should I react? Should I be sad or should I be glad? All these questions kept whizzing 'round my head.

"They've been informed about your situation and they've agreed to look after you for a while." Mr Clarkson told me as I glanced over at their smiling faces. "It may be temporary or it might be permanent, depending on what you think of them and vice versa. They seem like a lovely couple with plenty of experience in adoption and raising children."

"We've got two already." The elderly woman stated before the boy and the girl gave me a small introductory wave. "That's Logan and this is Katherine."

"Pleased to meet you." Logan greeted me charmingly. He may be my brother now, kind of, but he's still good looking.

"They're adopted as well." The elderly man informed me, giving me a stern-look, his chest pushed out to show his superiority. I nodded uncomfortably.

"Ignore him, he's just being a grump." Logan whispered, leaning towards me as I let out a small giggle.

I was silent for a few minutes whilst Mr Clarkson was talking to the elderly couple. Katherine, the little girl and presumably my little sister, was clinging onto the female pensioner who was now going to be my mother. She constantly stared at me through curiosity, I don't mind though, in fact I thought it was rather cute. I've always wanted a little sister.

"She's just a little shy." Logan informed me, smiling. Gosh his smile's gorgeous.

This is going to be so awkward considering he's going to be my brother and I'm attracted to him. Not to mention my history with Kyle. Logan analysed my stomach for a brief moment then pulled his head up to face me. He'd clearly been told about my pregnancy issue.

"So, how long you been..?" He asked, gesturing towards my stomach.

"Banged up? About a month or so." I admitted, trying to act all casual. He pursed his lips, nodding before we both sat in silence as my future parents finished their conversation with my teacher.

When they were done, they introduced themselves properly until they let me go back to lesson as they finished up some paper-work. They'd agreed to let me move in tonight. Personally, I think it's a bit soon. Oh my days, this is so weird. To think, I'm actually going to have a mum and a descent dad.


Hi guys, hope you liked this chapter. Sorry there wasn't one yesterday, I was in a London over-night, watching Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. It was alright, Mike TV was my favourite because his lines and songs were just so awesome.

Anyway... It's still episode 27 series 7, just so you know.

Read, Vote, Comment, Bye :-)

P.S. Sorry Niamh, I'm sure you're not a midget irl.

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