Kyle's P.O.V - Where I Was And Hospital

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"I'm not going anywhere." I assured Ellie as she hugged me tighter before we separated and began looking at each other. She wiped a tear off her face before smiling at me. I gave her a smile back, trying to comfort her... She looks adorable when she's upset.

Unfortunately, our smiles were interrupted by a text from Tariq.

"I think your pants are vibrating!" She announced as I pulled out my phone and looked at the text:

Tariq: Bruv, where are you!? You need to get to get down here, NOW!

Crap! I completely forgotten. The DSC were gonna go and launch an attack on the MSB.

"Who was that?" Ellie asked me as I put my phone back in my trouser pocket.

"Credit offer." I lied, giving her a fake smile.

"I hate them." She joked as I let out a small grin. 

"I need a drink." I lied as I walked out and made my way into the kitchen.

"OK!" I heard her yell from in the living-room as I made my way down the small, thin hallway and into the kitchen. I picked up a hoodie but then I remembered that i was already wearing one. I was about to walk out the door when I remembered about Ellie, I told here that I wasn't going anywhere... On one hand I could stay but then I'd be seen as a coward and my rep' would go down the drain. On the other hand though, if I take her with me she could get in seriously hurt and I don't just mean physically.

 I thought about the situation long and hard before finally coming to a decision. I went into my bag which I'd slung by the door earlier and got out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote Ellie a note saying that I'd gone out. Then, I put the paper somewhere she would easily find it, on the bread-bin. The counter surface below the bread-bin was a little damp but it would have to do. I unlocked the front-door and quietly stepped down onto the ground, making sure I didn't make any noise. I didn't want Ellie to come in and discover what I was doing. I shut the door carefully, holding it while I did so in case it slammed. Then, I locked it and made my way over to the gate. 

"Ahh." I whispered/groaned as I cut my knee on a thorn. I didn't make a fuss about it because I was used of injuring myself. I opened the gate cautiously as I made my way out. I tried to shut it carefully but a gust of wind caused it to slam. I quickly legged it down the alley-way and made my way up to the MSB's turf where the DSC were planning to invade. 

I swaggered around their turf until I came across Tariq. 

"Tariq!" I greeted him.

"Where you been?!" He questioned me, annoyance in his tone.

"Had to take care of some stuff!" I replied briefly.

"Yeah well you're not the only one." He pointed out, gesturing towards a few other DSC members which I haven't taken the time or energy to get to know. "Eugene's threatening to trash our turf so we're gonna totally destroy his first."

"Oh, Is that right?" Came an annoying voice from behind Tariq, 

"Yeah it is." Tariq replied, sucking his teeth as we give Eugene a disgusted look, "What you gonna do about it?"

Eugene gave us a smirk as we glared at him. 

"What's so funny!?" I snapped at him as he carried on smirking. Me and Tariq were still glaring at him.

"Shouldn't you be getting home?" Eugene started questioning me. Me and Tariq exchanged a confused look at each other, "Wouldn't want anything to happen to that girl of yours."

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