The Truth Comes Out

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About a week's past since I heard the news. I haven't told anyone about it and that's the way I intend to keep things.

"Come on wake up." Scout ordered me as I continued to lay on the sofa, facing away from her.

I couldn't face going in today, not with anything that's happened recently. I mean, I still can't get my head around the fact that in nine months there's going to be a baby to look after. What am I going to do? I can barely look after myself as it is, what's going to happen when I've got a kid to take care of as well?

"I don't want to go in." I complained, hauling myself off the sofa to face her.

"Why not?" She questioned me as I let out a small sigh.

"Doesn't matter." I replied, sighing as I shook my head slightly before going into the bathroom. I'm really not ready for people to know about my little issue. Besides, I couldn't be bothered with the grief of coming up with an excuse.

I tied my hair back in a high pony-tail before brushing my teeth and washing my face with a flannel. When I was done I began adjusting my uniform, which I'd slept in the night before. It was all creased but I couldn't be bothered to start ironing it so I just left it the way it was. I was still really tired, especially once I examined myself in the mirror, finding black rings under my eyes. I gained about eight or nine hours sleep last night so I can't understand why I'm so tired. Maybe it's one of the pregnancy effects.

"Scout do you mind if I take the day off? I'm not feeling to good." I asked her as she walked into the bathroom.

"Ell' are you sure stress is the reason why you're ill?" She asked me, leaning back on the sink.

"Yeah." I lied, unconvincingly while she looked concernedly at me.

"Ellie." She repeated, waiting for me to tell her the truth.

"Fine, the truth is... I'm- I'm-" I stuttered as she gestured for me to tell her.

"You're...?" She inquired, gesturing again for me to say it, while I bit my lip.

"Come on Ellie, you can do this! It's just like ripping off a bandage. Quick and painless. Just tell her." I ordered myself, in my head whilst I continued biting my lip, looking at her. "Here goes nothing."

"I'm pregnant." I admitted, causing Scout to widen her eyes in shock.

"Who's the dad!?" She exclaimed.

"Who do you think?" I snapped at her, beginning to cry a little.

"Kyle?" She questioned me as I nodded at her, tears dropping down my cheeks like raindrops fresh from the sky. "How did this happen!?"

"Do I need to paint you a picture?" I cried before silence filled the room for a couple of minutes while I began sobbing.

"Ell' you need to tell him." She advised me as my head shot up to face her.

"No! Scout please." I pleaded, tears falling down my cheeks. "He hurt me, I don't want him to hurt this baby as well."

 "Ellie you gotta." She tried to convince me while I shook my head at her. "He's got a right to know."

"No he doesn't. He lost that right when he dumped me out of the blue and broke my heart!" I argued with her, raising my voice a little, crying harder than before.

"If you don't I will." She threatened me. I can't believe she'd actually do that, tell Kyle that I'm pregnant.

"I didn't say I was keeping it." I muttered under my breathe as she widened her eyes at me.

"Are you getting an abortion!?" She questioned me as I looked down at the floor.

I went silent until I finally decided I'd had enough. I got up from the white bathtub which I'd been sat on the edge of. Then I stormed outside, ignoring Shouts from Scout before rushing down the metallic staircase outside her house/flat. I really wish I wouldn't have told her now. I knew I should have kept it to myself.


Hi guys, the author here. I just wanted to apologize for the extremely late update, there's just been a lot happening in my life right now and it didn't help that my laptop no longer has a working charger and internet, so I have to use other people's (like my mom's.)   Also, sorry for all the speech in this chapter. I just wanted to try something new. Do you guys prefer all the speech or do you want me to do it as usual?

So what do you guys want to happen next? I have a few ideas but you'll have to wait and see what they are :) 

Read, Vote, Comment, Bye! :D

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