How could he?

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Ellie's P.O.V

After what had seemed like forever, it was finally lunch-time. I evacuated the female toilets and made my way towards the canteen, hoping to get there before a herd of fellow pupils began rioting. I had successfully managed to get the the front of the Que and order my lunch from the dinner lady. I asked her for a plate of chips and a packet of tomato ketchup.

"That'll be £2.20." The dinner lady announced, holding out her hand to receive the money and deposit it into the cash-register. I reached into my blazer pocket, in order to retrieve the money but then I remembered... I hadn't brought any with me.

"Do you take buttons?" I timidly asked her, as she shook her head and mouthed the word, 'no.' 

"Do you wanna borrow some cash?" Finn offered as he handed me a £5 note, for me to give to the dinner lady. 

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile before handing the money to the dinner lady and walking away to find a table. Shortly after I had found a seat, I was joined by Finn and that boy with black curly hair.

"Ellie this is Josh." Finn introduced us to each other. 

"Nice to meet you." I greeted him while putting my hand out to shake his, but he just gave me a small nod. Then, there were a few moments of awkward silence before Scout came over and sat down in the chair next to me.

"You alright guys?" Scout asked, putting her hand on my plate and stealing a few of my chips. "I'm starvin'."

Finn and Josh were giving each other awkward looks, as if to say 'Why is she sat with us?'  I just gave her a small smile as she looked around our little group.

"I think Kyle's looking for ya." Scout announced, turning her head to Finn.

"What does that twat want?" Finn demanded, looking extremely annoyed that Kyle had been brought into the conversation.

"I dunno, he wouldn't tell me." Scout replied shrugging her shoulders, "But it sounds important." 

As soon as she said that, Kyle burst in the canteen doors, before storming over to us and grabbing Finn by the shoulders. "Think you're funny do ya?!" Kyle shouted, anger in his tone of voice.

"Calm down Kyle." I got up from my seat and ran over to him, before putting my arm on him in order to calm him down.

Suddenly, I felt a large force hit me in the face before I fell to the floor, blood started streaming from my nose. He punched me... I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there in shock, tears filling my eyes... "How could he?" I started to question myself, looking up at him as everyone started gawping at what had just happened. He looked at me apologetically before crouching down to see if I was ok.. But right now, I didn't want him anywhere near me.

"Ellie, I'm so sorry." He apologised, giving me a concerned and apologetic look before trying to wipe a tear off my cheek,  "It was an accident." 

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I bellowed, pushing him away from me before I stood up and ran out of the canteen, recieving different looks from everyone around me. My nose was gushing with blood and tears were shooting down my cheeks, which were a little bruised near my nose.

"Ellie wait!" I heard Kyle yell from behind me. 

Then, I turned to face him, making sure to keep my distance.

"Or what!? You'll hit me again!?" I snapped back at him, he stood there speechless, giving me a sympathetic look.. I could see hurt is his eyes and I'm pretty sure he could see it in mine too.. I wanted to go over to him and explain how much pain I was in and tell him that I believed him when he said it was only an accident, but I tried to remain strong. Quickly, I turned away and continued to run, wiping a tear and leaving before he had the chance to brainwash me into thinking that what he wouldn't do it again.

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