Heading In A New Direction

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"Wheres my shoe Logan!?" I demanded, infuriated with my step-brother who thought it would be a good idea to play a little game of hide-and-seek. Basically, last night we kind of had an argument and I did some things which I'm not proud of but it was totally necessary and in return he decided to steal my footwear and hide it so that I'd be late for school. Childish or what?

"For the last time, how would I know? It's not my fault if you can't keep track of your loose items." He stated, trying to act all innocent, "Maybe if you spent less time wasting other people's possessions rather than keeping track of your own things, you'd know where to find it."

I let out a frustrated huff before storming out of the kitchen, grabbing my new pair of white laced trainers which are just meant to for be P.E. This is ridiculous. I mean, if you want to get back at someone you don't take their shoe, that's just pathetic. Still, right now I wouldn't put it past him. He can be nice when he wants to, it's just finding the moments where you don't want to strangle him that are difficult. I had no idea having a sibling, well foster-sibling, would be so annoying. Why can't he be more like Katherine? Adorable and quiet.

I was just about to leave the house when my foster mother's voice rang out from the living-room, calling us back inside, "Wait, we need to have a word with you." Her tone wasn't threatening but it still filled me with fear, what could I have possibly done wrong? It's about our arguing isn't it?

"Look before you say anything..." Logan started once we entered the room, slumping down on the sofa "It was her fault."

"My fault? How was it my fault? You were the one who stole my shoe." I argued completely outraged before we broke out into another argument, our voice overlapping what the other person was saying until my foster-father interrupted us both.

"Enough! For heaven's sake, you better not act like this when we get to Liverpool." My foster father complained, causing confusion to spread on both of our faces. What's he talking about? Are we going to Liverpool? How long for? Does he mean all of us or is it just them?

"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused.

He paused for a moment, straightening himself out before informing us about what he meant "On Saturday we are moving to Liverpool."

"What, why?" Logan questioned, not sounding happy whatsoever about the recent news. I was still in a confused daze, unsure or unbelieving as to what was going on.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this." My foster mother sighed, leaning down against the arm of the beige sofa, causing our unsure attention to focus on her as we fell silent, "Your father has been promoted which is great because he'll earn a forty-percent increase of hid regular salary, as well as opening all new kinds of opportunities. Unfortunately-"

"We'll be sent off to Liverpool." Logan stated, his voice deadly calm which set me on edge. I'd seen this before, people pretending to be calm but then lashing out and destroying everything, especially males - no offense.

The room fell silent for a couple of seconds, the news starting to settle in slightly. Liverpool? How can I move to Liverpool? With everything that's going on, with the fact I'm pregnant with a guy's baby who's located here, with everything that's happened here. I can't just pack up my things and leave. Then again, I suppose it's a chance for a new start. Maybe it'll allow my future daughter to have the great start I never did so she can grow up in a safe, loving, new environment where there's no dangerous dads or other friends and family members who could possibly ruin her life like they did mine.

"Screw this, I'm not going." Logan's voice snapped me out of my trail of thoughts as he rose to his feet abruptly, making his way out of the room for a couple of moments before pacing back in, seemingly not lashing out, "You coming or what?" He questioned me. I sat there for a few moments, struggling to find my voice before nodding slightly whilst rising to my feet and trailing behind him, out of the room.

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