Where is he?

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It's the social's... Oh gosh. What are they doing here?

"Hide!" Kyle whisper/shouted, quickly looking at me and back out the window. I did as he said and hid under a pile of filthy, smelly clothes which, by the look of it, hadn't been washed for months. He closed me blinds and joined me under the clothes. I could feel his warm breath on the side of my neck as we hid there, silently. I began to hyperventilate, partially due to fear but also because I had to hold my breath so the stench didn't knock me out or cause my nose to fall off.... Slight exaggeration but you get the picture. Kyle noticed how scared I was because he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, "It'll be OK. I promise." He reassured me, giving a smile as I looked up at him. 

Eventually, the loud metallic banging stopped. We lay still for a few minutes, just to be sure it wasn't a trick.

"Have they gone?" I asked Kyle as I slowly began to sit up, looking at the gap where a door probably used to be. I was expecting them to burst through and grab us.

"I dunno." Kyle replied as he made his way over to the window, opened the blinds slightly and peered outside, "Can't see them." I cautiously got up and tried to look past Kyle and through the window. "Stay here." He ordered me, grabbing a baseball bat and walking towards the gap in the wall.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, starting to panic a little.. My eyes started going teary with fear. Was he going to leave me in here?

"Don't worry, I'll be back." He tried to reassure me before turning back towards the exit and walking away. 

"DON'T LEAVE ME!" I cried out in fear as he turned back to look at me. Tears were falling down my cheeks. He tried to comfort me by giving me a hug, "Don't leave me." I pleaded again, in a quieter, slightly calmer tone as I began hugging him tighter. Tears were still falling from my cheeks.

"I'm not going anywhere." He assured me, tightening the hug. A large smile formed on my face before we let go of each other and I wiped a tear from my cheek. We stood there smiling at each other for a few moments.

"I think your pants are vibrating." I announced as Kyle's phone started buzzing. He pulled it out and started fiddling with it before putting it back in his pocket. "Who was that?"

"Just a credit offer." Kyle replied before he gave me another smile.

"I hate them." I joked causing Kyle to give a small grin, he was looking at the floor before he finally spoke.

"I need a drink." He stated as he went into the kitchen, at least that's where I think he went.

"Ok." I yelled/replied as I took a seat on the stool, Kyle had been sitting on and began waiting for him to come back in.

I switched the tv on and started to flick through the channels when one film, which I used to love as a child, caught my eye. 'Bridge to Terabithia.' There was only half an hour left but they're the most heart breaking/warming parts in the entire film so I didn't really mind. Plus, I'd watched this film so many times when I was younger, I knew the story line off by heart.. I selected the channel where the film was airing. It was currently at the part where his little sister is stuck on the bridge and he gets furious so he shoves her. This part makes me cry whenever I watch it, so it wasn't long until I was rushing to the toilet in order to grab some tissues.

I caught a glimpse of the kitchen when I was making my way back into the living room. Kyle wasn't in view so I went to take a closer look.

 "Kyle?" I asked as I made my way towards the kitchen door. He was nowhere to be seen. I started frantically looking around the house, trying to find him. "Kyle!" I kept yelling as I rushed around the house, tripping on several different objects. My search ended in the kitchen when I saw a scrunched up piece of paper leaning on the bread-bin, on top of the dirty, wet counter. The bottom of the note was smudged, due to the fact it was wet and the writing was extremely scruffy, so it was really hard to work out.... Eventually, I realized what the note said:

Note: Sorry, had to go and sort out some stuff. Didn't want to worry that pretty little face of yours. I'll be back soon. Please don't follow me - Kyle.

I grinned a little when I read the second line but that didn't take away from the fact that he was gone. I didn't know what to do. I mean, should I follow? He said not to but I don't wanna be away from him, especially not now. He's like a brother to me. I know it sounds a little bit strange considering I only met him today but he comforts me when I'm upset, he looks after me and tries to keep me safe from harm like all big brothers should.. OK there was the incident earlier when he was the one that hurt me but I genuinely believe it was an accident that he will never do again.. Plus, I know I can go to him with any problems I may have and he'll be there for me... I considered whether I should go and look for him but I decided that I'd probably be safer in here than out there, alone, with a bunch of suspicious men roaming around. 

I picked up the note and went back into the living room. The next film had begun. It had a completely different tone to it. 'Bridge To Terabithia' was upsetting where as this film made me feel energetic and like I could 'Kick Ass.' There was a girl with purple hair who looked about 11 years old but could fight better than most people my age, if not older. Then, there was this other guy who was wearing a weird, green superhero costume and was carrying two ninja sticks on his back. I think their name's were Dave and Mindy, although I'm not 100 percent sure.

I sat watching the film for about an hour and a half before the credits started rolling. Kyle still hadn't returned and it had gotten dark outside. I got up and made my way over to the window to see if there was any sign of him but no such look. I could barely see anything due to how dark it was but I knew he wasn't there. I began to get extremely scared. All sorts of scenarios began racing through my mind but I tried to block them out.

I couldn't take it anymore. I switched the TV off and went towards the metallic door convincing myself to go out and look for him. I couldn't believe I was doing this, going out all alone, to wander around in the dark, freezing cold streets to find a boy that told me not to go looking for him, but I couldn't just sit around and do nothing when Kyle could be in trouble. I tried to open the metallic door but it was locked. He must have known I would try and come after him or someone would try and get in. I tried to figure out a way to get out but it was no good, I was like a rat trapped in a cage. After many failed attempts to kick the door down, I finally decided to give up. I spotted a stained fold-away chair which was next to a matching fold-away table. I threw a bunch of clothes off them and took a seat. There was a small portable TV opposite me on the table which I started to watch while I waited for Kyle in the kitchen. The signal wasn't very good and the screen was extremelly pixelated but I tried to ignore it. I felt a chill go down my spine and goose-bumps on my arms as I sat quietly watching the small, pixelated TV and waited for Kyle to  come back. I noticed a hoodie on the floor next to me which looked quite warm. It was a male hoodie so I presumed it was Kyle's. I picked it up off the floor and put it over my upper-body. It was a little damp at the bottom of the sleeves but It was warm and that's all that mattered. I looked at the clock on the wall behind me, '10pm.' What's he doing that's taking so long?

I let out a yawn as I began to rest my head on my arms, with my right cheek pressed against the table. Immediately, I lifted my head so that I didn't fall asleep. I wanted to be awake when Kyle returned, so I could question him about his where-about's the past few hours. I banned myself from falling asleep, even though my eyes were trying to rebel. It felt like I was having a battle with myself to stay awake and I was losing. I could feel my eyes dropping and my head lowering. However, I refused to give in. I yawned again before repeating the same words over and over again, "I must not fall asleep. I must not fall asleep. I must not fall asleep." My voice got quieter, my eyes got heavier and my head dropped more every time I did so. "I must not fall asleep." I whispered, barely making a sound before my head was resting on the table, my eyes were fully shut and I fell silent... I couldn't fight it anymore so I just gave in and drifted to sleep. (I can't remember anything after this point until morning arrived.)


Sorry if it isn't a good chapter. I'd been working on it for a few days.. But it seems my chapter always seem to have a pattern - bad, good, bad, good (This was probably bad so the next chapter should hopefully be good)

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