*Me at school*
Teacher: *female*As your names are called, please come to my desk with your biology homework for assessment.......... Paul Harvey
Me: *walking over to teacher empty handed*
Teacher: *sigh*Where's your homework this time?
Me: A mouse stole it and ate it
*class bursts into laughter*
Teacher: I can't take anymore of your nonsense..... I mean it's just like that time you said a koala ate your project on eucalyptus
Me: I mean it this time...... you won't believe it but there's a conspiracy between my cat and that mouse
*class laughs even harder*
Teacher: That is it, TWO WEEKS DETENTION!!!!
Me: WHAT!!!
Teacher: Next!! Jessica Nett
*I grumble back to my seat*
Me: They think I'm crazy.... but I'll show them...
Hey guys....... :P
I just wanted you to know that I am stopping at 70 and have big plans for the final 10 .....
Thanks for coming this far with me, I really appreciate it