Cheated on?

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Your P.O.V:
It's been 3 days since Lucy called on us in that guard incident. Lily is worried Lucy may have dropped our key or something. I'm not worried at all, Lucy would be too careful to do that. I agreed to help Aquarius do some clothes shopping whilst Lily hung with Aries. I waved to Lily as I went out, I trust Lily with my life, she would never do anything to hurt me.

I head over to Aquarius' (which is basically a big water castle, depending on how long you've been in the spirit world that's how big your house is) and knock on the door. She opens it swiftly and before I can even say hi she drags me in. "Y/n..." Aquarius hisses. "I think Scorpio might be cheating on me!" She looks sad, like she may cry, but at the same time, she looks like she wants to murder someone.

"I can spy on him if you want?" Her eyes light up like the fourth of July. "Really?! You'd  do that for me?!" She pulls me in for a brief hug, I've never seen this side of Aquarius before. We not head out to do some shopping (which is basically just the top half for Aquarius) and then we get home laughing and joking around. Her mood really brightens around me, not to brag or anything.

It's 8pm already so I begin to head home. I suddenly spot Scorpio. He's sneaking past my house into the town center, it looks very suspicious. I follow him in the safety of the shadows and eventually see him stop by the fountain. Another girl comes out of another street and warily makes her way to Scorpio. He immediately embraces her in a tight hug and they begin a heated make out session.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust. Scorpio whispers something in her ear and she giggles, flirtatiously. I can't believe what he just said to her! How could he cheat on Aquarius?! I step back, but I trip over strategically placed barrels. Obviously making a very loud noise. They stop kissing and look around, looking shocked. I scramble to my feet an run back to my place.

I run though the front door, startling poor Lily and Aries. I run to my room and shut the door, still feeling like I needed to keep running. I sit on my plush purple bed and place my head between my hands. Should I tell Aquarius about this? This would definitely ruin their relationship! But if I do tell her she'll be really upset! And if I don't and she finds out she'll be super mad at me. Should I keep Scorpio's dirty secret?

My head hurts with the amount of questions spinning around in it. I flop back onto my bed and lay my hands out. Exhausted of thinking. I hear a light knock on the door making me jump.

Lily cautiously opens the door, peeking inside. "Y/n~chan? Is everything ok?" I shake my head rapidly. "No Lily, something is VERY wrong." She frowns and quietly closes the door behind her and comes over to sit next to me on the bed. "What's up then?" She asks. I sigh and shake my head, still not wanting to believe what I saw.

"It's Scorpio..." I say, sadly. "He's cheating on Aquarius!" I feel like crying on Aquarius' behalf. But instead I look at Lily for support, she has her nose cutely wrinkled in deep thought. "How do you know he's cheating on her?" She asks, clearly not wanting a big argument between Scorpio and Aquarius.

"I saw him with a girl... And they were kissing by the fountain! He even told her he loves her!" Lily looks shocked and gets angry suddenly. "Why would he do that?!" She asks/shouts. I shrug. "I don't know. It's a players move if you ask me." I tell her. Lily looks like she's gonna explode. "I'll kill him! I'll kill that Scorpio.

An~ once again BIG apology for the slow updates. Shout out to Lily227573 who's angry in this 😂. Another one to darkhorse4252 for being fabulous and voting. Baii <3

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