The Bell

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A/n: Hey hello howdy. Much love. Make sure you stay safe during quarantine if you are in it and I will try to update as much as possible. <3

Your POV:

Ah yes, the bell. That bell still rings in my mind today. The one the small child and I thought would be good to hide in. And now I look down on everyone, wondering how they're doing without me after the bell took my life. KIDDING. Though I do have mentally scarring memories from it. So, lemme just rewind the tape, and explain all to you. Grab your popcorn and don't be like everyone else and eat them before the movie. Lets go. 

"Shh. Shh. It's ok. They're not gonna find us if we stay quiet." I try to calm the small child with the cowboy hat down. She's clinging (cough strangling) to my neck, her face buried in my top and growls and destruction can be heard around us. Not going to lie to you, this all rings a bell (I am so funny OML) with Achnologia and destruction and almost dying. Hey just saying, this would make a good movie. The girl and I were actually hiding pretty well, until somebody crashed into the bell (Natsu) followed by my lady like, completely resilient leader who had no clothes and I had to shield the poor Cinnamon Rolls' eyes. We were rolling now, through the streets and crashing into buildings, Natsu and Lucy screaming while I tried to make sure the girl didn't get hurt at all. "Y/N! That was totally your fault!" Natsu groans as we crawl out of the amazing hiding place and I carry the girl who is crying. "HOW? Not my fault. I didn't know your weight would break an ancient artifact of 600 years!" I pout and he rolls his hand ready to punch me. "Why I oughta-." Lucy puts her hand out in front of me, looking up. "Natsu don't you have somewhere to be, or to be doing?" She asks, straining her voice and he groans backing up and beginning to run off. "Great. Y/n, find ANOTHER place to hide or protect everyone and leave the kid with me, your choice." As cruel as it sounds, I dump the kid immediately, ruffling her hair and smiling. "Ok Ciao." I grin beginning to run off before Lucy grabs my hand. 

"Not so fast! Do you know who you're fighting and where?" She asks and I grin sheepishly. "It was going to be the first person who insulted me to be honest." Growling, she smacks me across the head. "BAKA!" She yells, making the girl laugh. "Ouchie!" I groan as she sighs, sweatdropping. "Dragons. And save as many citizens as possible." I nod, rubbing my head before making my way AGAIN to the centre of ALL the destruction. Let me tell you, there's a lot. "Okkkk citizens possible save dragons." I recite flawlessly before seeing the boy I had kicked in the face around five days ago. "Howdy partner!" I grin going over to him and he glances at me. "Whaddya want face kicker?" He asks, as he dodges a blast from a dragon. "I came to help." I pout as he sighs. "Well please, be my guest. Don't get in my way." I groan and block a roar that was coming at both of us with my shield. "Was that a fat joke? Are you saying I get in everyone's way? Because that is hella rude. You gotta love yourself for who you are regardless of size."(As much as it seems like this is a joke in the book, I am being serious. Don't let others drag you down. Tigers don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep y'know. Much love) I lecture as he rolls his eyes and jumps out the way of a stomp. "No. Im saying you are clumsy." He shoots back and I gasp. "How dare y- no actually I guess that is true." Dodging another attack I bring out my katanas. "Ok so, I'll take left, you take right and then BAM!" I cheer and he laughs as he runs forward, following my plan and I do the same. 

It's been around twenty minutes now, and I am ready to go get some frozen yoghurt or something. I need my well deserved break. But for the past two minutes. I've been dragging a tired blonde male out the way of most attacks and keeping him alive. "Face kicker, I don't know if i have the energy to carry on." He groans as I block another. "Dig deep then because this is going to be a long- HOLY MOTHER OF PICKLE TOAST NATSU JUST CRASHED INTO THE GATE!" I yell as the dragon slowly begins to dissolve away in front of us, screaming about his world like in that Wizard Of Oz movie (the Phineas and Ferb version was a masterpiece) "What was that about this going on for ages?" He smirks as his friend runs over, him completely relying on me to stand up straight and talk. Like literally I was carrying 2 and more of myself on my lil legs. "WE DID IT!" Somebody cheers and everyone goes into uproar as I smile. "Thanks for that Y/n, you kept me alive." The blonde smiles and I gasp. "You knew my name this entire time! CREEP!" I look at him and he grins cheekily. "Yup. I know you don't know mine though. I am Sting." He says and I roll his eyes. "Yeh I guess it must Sting after being carried by a girl to this victory huh? What's your real name?" I tease and he scowls. "STING YOU DINGALING!" He yells and Rogue laughs. I know his name because his cute lil cat frog keeps saying it. 

"Y/N!" Lucy yells and I turn, accidentally dropping Sting on the floor and he makes an 'oof' sound as I run over to Lucy and hug her. "Well done!" She smiles and I grin back as everyone from Fairy Tail, including Ali joins in. "Well done." 

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