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Your P.O.V:
I wake up and stretch my arms, they flop down beside me and I stare at the ceiling in confusion. The words my Master said still danced around in my head. I get up, have a shower, get dressed and go outside. "Morning Beautiful!" I hear Loke say leaning by my door frame to my house. I sigh and turn around. "Morning Loke." I grumble walking away.

For some reason I find him more annoying than attractive, my four main friends here were Virgo, Aries, Aquarius and Scorpio. I walked down the path and into the main square to find Virgo dancing and Aries clapping her along happily. I smile to myself and walk over. "Hi guys!" I say. Virgo waves at me mid dance and Aries smiles brightly. "So do you like it here?" Aries questions looking at me, still clapping.

"Y-." 'DING DONG!" Aries smiles at me whilst she disappears. "Byee!" She squeals. I sigh and look at Virgo, who isn't dancing anymore. "Who's your master again Virgo?" I ask. She turns around from digging her hole. "Princess, Lucy Heartfilia." I smile remembering that name. "Is she nice?" I ask. She nods vigorously. Aries suddenly appears next to me crying.

"ARIES?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" I cry out putting my arm around her. "DING DONG!" I slowly disappear still looking at Aries. I stand next my Master bowing in the river. "You called?" I ask happily, gritting my teeth. "Take out Lucy." I look across the stream to see a girl with blonde hair and a green tank top. "Right away master!" I say bowing to her, running towards Lucy. "Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" Lucy shouts worriedly. I slowly come to a halt. Virgo? Sure enough my Best Friend is stood in front of me gawking.

"Take her down!" Lucy yells. Virgo looks at me apologetically. "Yes Princess. As you wish." Virgo's eyes turn to lasers and shoot at me. I use my shield to block them. "Heavenly Starlight!" I yell, a lightening of stars hitting Virgo, sending her back to the spirit realm. Lucy whimpers in fear. Collapsing in the river. "You win." Lucy whispers. "But, let Aries go." She shouts. "She doesn't need this! She was abused by Karen her whole life. Please! I beg you!" Lucy is now crying into the river. Angel smirks at her in triumph.

"Not in a million years darling!" She says to Lucy, still smirking. "You can take anything! Lucy cries out. "Even my life! But please, don't touch my spirits!" Lucy is now making waterfalls from her eyes. "Sounds good, right Y/n? Collect for me!" I stand there, my star katana at Lucy's throat. "Y/n! NOW!" Master yells at me. "No!" I scream, making my katana disappear. "She loves us more than you ever could!" I shout at Angel, who's now dumbfounded. She gets my key out.

"Close! Gate of the Constellation Princess!" Angel shouts. I turn and smile at Lucy. "Say Hi to Alicia for me? Please Lucy!" I beg as I disappear, the last thing I hear is. "Thank you Star, thank you!"

Lucy P.O.V:
I read about the Constellation Princess. Her nickname is Star. I feel hands tighten round my neck, Hibiki gives me a Star spell that takes out Angel. I take her 4 keys whilst she's 'dead' she'll be put in prison anyway. I walk away. "Open gate of The Constellation Princess! Star Y/n!" She appears in front of me, she's stunning, her pretty galaxy coloured hair flowing in the slight breeze. "Lucy!" She says hugging me.

I was a bit shocked but returned it. I was talking to Y/n for a bit when I hear Alicia. "Lucy?" She asks walking out from behind a bush. Y/n's eyes widen, so does Alicia's. "Y/n?! Is that you?!" Alicia screams running into Y/n's open arms. "I thought you were gone!" Alicia says crying. Y/n smiles on her shoulder. "I'm hear to stay now Alicia, I'm here to stay."

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