The Ball

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Your POV:

Walking down the path to my home, I open it to find Lily exactly on the other side of the door, the door almost slamming back into her face. Zoinks.

"Oh! You scared me! Wassup?" I ask and she smiles back all shy and coy like before Loke appears at the gate. "No!" I gasp out and she sighs. "I lost a bet don't worry. Never him." She whines and he looks shattered, like broken heart.

"Lily! We both know it's not like that!" He groans and I raise an eyebrow. "Righhttt. Welp, I'm gonna go. Have fun on... whatever this is?" I offer a smile before turning sideways to get past Lily and walking into MY home. "Hey Sylvia." I groan as I flop down onto the couch, face first into the pillows.

"Y/n." She says shortly before I look up, and actually at her rather than having one of my MANY afternoon naps. She's dressed in a rather posh looking dress that flowed against the floor and was like light blue silk. It graced just below her shoulders and I sigh pushing my face back into the pillow.

I don't know what's going on anymore.

"Master Lucy wants us ALL to be dressed for a ball." Sylvia puts in, pushing a strand on hair over her shoulder. "Nope nope and again. Nope." I sigh, sticking my two arms in the air to make an 'X.' "Your dress is upstairs. I EXPECT-!" She pulls me off the sofa and onto the floor, my head thudding against it and I groan.

"You to be ready in 20." I swat her hands off me and curl into a ball. "Let me wallow in my self pity." I frown and close my eyes. "NOPE." Pulling me up and upstairs, she propels me forward by my shoulders and into my room.

There, on a mannequin which in any other situation would've been odd, was a black dress that was shorter at the front and longer at the back. The arms and chest were mesh with gems glittering on them before the rest went into a black silky material. "Wow ok. You convinced me. Just this once." I say, stepping forward and she turns around so I may. Ahem.


"Okay you can turn around now..." I smile and she does just that before gasping as I step forward in my platform heals. My hair loose and curly. "You look amazing Y/n... and we are now. Late." She groans before summoning herself and leaving me there.

This would be a perfect time to sag to the floor.


Eat food.

Sleep again.

Maybe praise all my efforts by going downstairs and watching TV?

But the dress must be cutting circulation to my brain, because I follow her and summon myself.

~shimmer, glitter, light, shine, shimmer~

I find myself right next to the snack table, with Lucy gawking at me like I had just told her that Luke Skywalker was actually my son. "Y/n! I didn't expect you to turn up. Didn't take this to be your thing."

I put a segment of mango into my mouth, elite fruit. "I came here for the food and to see people like Gajeel look stupid in fancy dress." I say honestly shrugging and she sweatdrops. "At least dance with someone." She says pointedly as Gray makes his way over.

"Where's Lily?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and looking round me. "Oh jee. Yeh hi Gray, I'm fine thanks. How are you? You're good? Oh that's amazing." I pout and he rolls his eyes. Rude, rude boy.

"Just askin'." He groans and I almost throw my food at him. But that'd be a waste. "Oh! There you go Y/n! Go dance with the Sabertooth member." Lucy practically SHOVES me at this super duper tall, green haired man who raises an eyebrow.

"The Hulk is here? Gee word must've really gotten round huh?" Lucy looks like she's going to snap my neck at that comment. "Eheh... care to dance?" I ask and he towers over me scarily.

I wanna go home.

"Sure sounds good." He leans down to my height smiling before taking my hand and dragging me to the dance floor. Lucy covering a laugh as I scowl at her.

"So you're a spirit right?" He asks as he tries not to crush my shoulder with his Wreck-It-Ralph hands. "Yep, guess you could say that? I was like you. Well not like YOU i mean like 'you' as in a species? I used to be a human with magic and no key master thing."

He looks at me like Lucy had done earlier. Flabbergasted. "S-so you were a mage?" He asks and I nod as he stands on my foot and I yelp. "SORRY! Sorry." He says as we resume dancing. "What happened to make you a spirit?"

"Oh I died." I grin and he furrows his brows.

"So the Celestial world is heaven?"

Holy Mother of Jellybeans this dude.

"No! I was chosen dummy!" I go to hit his head, but restrain myself. I play it off like I was waving at someone.

"I don't understand." He mutters before the music stops and we stand facing each other.

"It's ok. Give it a few days and then it may sink through the density of your skull yeh?" I smile genuinely before going all bubbly and happy.

"LUCY I MADE A FRIEND!" I shout going over to her as Hulk guy looks like he's going to tear me in half.

"Hardly call it a friend." I turn around quickly to see Gray's long time nemesis. Lyon.

"Oh! Frosted Flake 2.0! How's it chilling?" I smile. He doesn't get my pun.

"Was going to ask for a dance?" He bows, extending a hand. "Tempting... but the desserts table is even more enticing... I'll get back to you on that one. Here is-."

I grab Juvia and place her down in front of him. Time to stir the pot and create drama.

"Your new partner." She goes red and so does he. "Okay! Toodles." I head over to the table before seeing Wendy and Pink haired Wind God person thingy eyeing a beautiful desert. "I wonder what I tastes like-." Wendy gushes.

Time to ruin that.

I grab it all and stuff it in my mouth.

"Now you'll never know. But I'll give you a report. It was DELICIOUS." My eyes sparkle as the taste dances on my tastebuds.

"Y/n! You meanie!" She looks like she may cry, so does Cheria. "Oh my bad. Want me to hack it up like a bird-?" I begin and she covers her ears going 'Lalala' with Cheria and I smirk. That's what i thought.

This party is amazing.

The food making up for 90 percent of all the bad stuff.

I need a drink.

"Y/n... is that very lady-like?" I turn round, now on my seventh drink to see Erza, with her arms crossed, looking mad, annoyed maybe?

"I'm going to go for the guess of yes?" I smile, swigging the rest and she smacks the glass from my hand as the rest of the ballroom look like a brawl may start too.

"Oh." A dark aura forms around me as I smirk. "You're going to regret that."

Erza has an aura surrounding her too with the same expression. "I doubt it Y/n."

That is when the King decides we should'nt fight and the horns blare to showcase his arrival.

That doesn't stop me.

I lunge at Erza, going to punch her before a hand catches my collar and yanks me back, making me groan.

It is Lucy. "Y/n no!" She scalds before placing me on my feet. Leaving me to make 'you're dead' gestures at Erza while Natsu goofs off as King.

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