Has Lily come back?

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Sylvia ^^
Your POV:
I stumbled back through the Celestial world with Liliana, Lily was still going after that creep and she probably wasn't gonna come back until she caught her. I look at my hands that are shaking in rage. How could I have let such trouble come to Master without noticing?

Liliana looks at me, her eyes confused and shocked. "Uh Y/n... do you know why Lily doesn't like me?" She asks, pushing her two index fingers together anxiously. "No, but I hazard a guess you remind her of someone or something." I say skeptically. She nods then rushes off into the direction of her home, leaving me on my own.

I slowly begin to walk to my home, hands behind my back, staring at the floor. I nearly bump into a lot of spirits but none of them stop me. I open the door glumly and see Angel on the couch, staring out the window. "Y/n... I couldn't open my gate." She murmurs, on the brink of tears. "I feel useless." I take a seat next to her and put a comforting arm around the Shadow Dragon Spirit.

"You will open it when Lucy desperately needs you, you will be filled with so much determination and hate for the other person that you will feel like you have to be by her side, without question." I tell her, she looks out at the sunset sadly. "You will know when you must force your gate open." She gets up and goes to her room without a single word, leaving me feeling sorry for her.

I sat there for around 3 minutes until Sylvia came in, claiming I hadn't heard her knock. "Hey." She says softly, sitting next to me on the couch. "Hi." I say, sounding put out. "What's up?" She asks, fiddling with the countless bracelets on her wrist. "I feel like I'm never there to protect my Master when she needs me the most." I admit, shrugging. Sylvia taps her chin in deep thought.

"That's a tough one, I don't think there is a way to know..." Then she brings her fingers off her chin and clicks them. "I think it's if you have a REALLY deep bond!" She exclaims, sounding proud of her answer. My eyes shine at this. "Really?! Ok then I'll try my best to establish that bond!" I jump up from the couch, my hands curling into a fist. "I can do this!" I then got a surge of magic energy rush through me.

"Hey Sylvia?" She hums in reply, staring out the window. "Do you know if Lily has returned?" I ask, concerned for my comrades wellbeing. "I actually have no idea, but I hazard a guess she hasn't." I frown and exit my house, leaving Sylvia inside of it. "I force open, Gate of the Constellation Princess!" I scream into the sky, thunder and lightning clapping all around me.

"A friend is in need of help! I implore you to grant me your permission to pass through my gate without my Master opening it!" I shriek, a lightning bolt hit me and it felt like Lucy had summoned me. I wonder why it was different this time. I am summoned not by Lucy or Lily's side, but in a random place which is on fire.

"MASTER?! LILY?!" I shout into the wreckage. I hear mages fighting in response so I head over to them. I see a man with long black hair and a woman with blue hair bearing my guilds emblem fighting an alien creature. "Members of Fairy Tail!" I shout awkwardly, earning a glance from the girl. "More enemies?!" She groans, signalling for the boy to look at me.

"No. She bares our guild mark-" He gets punched in the gut. "She helped us with Achnologia!" The boy continues. "I'm here to help and also find Lucy!" I shout, running towards them and standing in front of the girl. The alien thing smirks at me. "Allow your magic to rip you from the inside out!" He cackles, I laugh as he tries to use his magic on me. "Well... that won't work." I brush a strand of my hair out of the way of my eyes.

"HOW?!" He keeps trying to use his magic. "I am a Celestial Spirit! And my magic comes from the stars! Constellation Light Beam!" I scream, slamming it into his stomach as I get blown back by the force. He is still standing but looks more battered. He uses a spell which is inaudible to me because my ears are ringing due to the impact of them hitting the ground.
(That and I don't know his magic very well 😂 sorry :) )

I dodge sideways, my head spinning. "Constellation Crash Course!" I shout, my voice ringing in my head. It hits him with full force. Then a heavenly light shines next to me. "Open gate of the Daughter of The Angels! Angel Sylvia!" I hear a voice chant. Sylvia is stood in fighting stance next to me. "I'm sorry! I couldn't persuade Angel or Liliana to come. They said it wasn't time!" She pants.

"Ok." I say, allowing my crash course to reach mark 2. "Unison Raid?" She asks, holding her hand out. "Sure." I take it and we hold our hands forward. "Heavenly Constellation STAR BLITZ!" The alien goes down to the ground K.O'd by a huge light of white with galaxies inside of it. "Good. Now let's find Lily and Lucy." I mutter, and without the Fairy Tail boy and girl's consent, we go in search of our Master and comrade.

An~ Hi! I'm sorry I don't have a schedule for updating. Hopefully I will get one, but updating will probably be on weekends.. BAII <3

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