Chapter 1

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"Week 1"

~~Y/N's POV~~

It's been at least a week or two since the party, that at this point I regret going to. It was stupid for me to go, get wasted and then have personal connections with Taehyung. If our parents find out we are both screwed. Hopefully, it won't have to end up that way seeing how we both don't talk to each other much anyway. On top of that, I haven't even seen Taehyung in school since we got back from break.

I let out a sigh as I walk my way over to my class. I walk through my classroom doors and walk to my seat. I place my bag on the ground next to my desk and sit down in my chair. For some reason, I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong between Taehyung and I. Nothing was really wrong before seeing how we barely even talked to each other besides our parents' meetings, but it's just a feeling that I can't shake.

I finally convince myself that it is nothing and that my mind is just on the fritz from not getting enough sleep, seeing how dad has been nonstop throwing family business stuff in my face. I take out a pencil and paper to pass time until class starts. I start to doodle on the paper and get most of the paper covered with random little pictures before someone places their hand down on the paper causing me to stop drawing," Hey what is this? I'm drawing can you move your hand?" I ask without bothering to see who the person is.

The person lets out a giggle before lightly tapping me on the forehead," Jeez I haven't seen you this into drawing for a while Y/N."

I look up and it's Seoin," Yes, I'm doing it to pass time. Now can you move your hand" I huff.

She moves her hand to the side and I continue drawing from where I left off," Hey are you going to talk to me at all?" she asks while waving her hand in front of my face.

I look up from the desk," I don't know is there something that we need to be talking about right now?" I ask.

Seoin shrugs her shoulders," You're not mad at me, are you? If so I'm so so sorry!" she says.

I clench my hand around the pencil I'm holding from knowing what she is talking about. She's blaming herself for taking me to that party where things got out of hand. I mean I shouldn't blame her, but she is the reason why I went...

"Look I didn't know things would get that crazy! Actually I didn't really even think about the possible situations at all" she says silently.

I unknowingly snap my pencil in half causing a gasp out of Seoin," I didn't realize I was making you madder" she apologizes.

I let out a breath," Look it's not your fault, okay. Now let's put that event behind us, I don't feel like it's something that we need to talk about a lot."

She nods her head," You're right. What was I thinking to talk about that here? I think I'm losing it" she nervously laughs.

"Good now sit, I think class is going to start soon," I say.

Seoin takes her seat next to me and hands me a new pencil," What is this for?"

"I think you need this for class, seeing how you broke yours" she says.

I shake my head," No it's okay, I'll be fine with my.. um.. broken one" I say grabbing the side with the lead.

"Stop it and just take this one I have another one in my bag" she states while wrapping my hand around the pencil.

"Thank you" I curtly nod.

I once again go back to drawing and get interrupted as Seoin nudges my arm," Yes Seoin?" I ask.

"Look" she says glancing over by the doorway.

I look to the door and see Taehyung standing there looking in our direction. As soon as he realizes that I'm looking at him he averts his gaze and quickly walks over to his seat to be instantly surrounded by some of the girls in our class.

"What was that about?" she asks.

I shrug my shoulders," I don't know and honestly should I care?" I huff.

"Oh don't be like that. I know you used to like him, what changed?" she questions.

I shoot her a death glare before turning my head to face the front of the class, "Oh right, not talking about it. Got it" she says.

I let out a sigh, this morning has been a complete mess.


I quickly take off my shoes before entering the house as silently as possible. I would usually announce that I'm home so eomma and appa don't need to question where I am. But, I have learned that if they know I'm home then it's a signal for them to share information about the family business with me, which I have no interest in at all. Do they bother to ask whether or not I'm interested? Nope. So looks like I'm stuck with listening to all of the junk until I get a job.

I quickly and quietly close the door behind me, the door lets out a low groan and I stop hoping that no one heard anything. I slip my way throughout the house and go as quietly up the stairs as possible before I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around on the stairs and see appa standing at the bottom tapping his foot on the floor with his arms crossed. So close...

"Were you going to announce that you were home?" he asks.

"I'm home" I say trying to get him to laugh.

As usual, it doesn't work. I let out a sigh," Sorry, I didn't think you and eomma where home yet. The house was so quiet I didn't think anyone was home."

"Well next time just say something okay. I don't want to have to go upstairs to your room to see if you are there every single time, is that understood?"

I nod my head," Ne appa."

"Good, and just to let you know, there will be a business meeting that I want you to attend with your mother and I next week" he states.

I let out a low groan," Is the Kim family going to be there too?" I ask.

He nods his head," Yes they will be, So as usual, I expect you to act accordingly seeing how they are special business partners."

"Yes, I know and I'm not five appa you don't have to remind me" I huff.

"But you are my daughter, and I don't care whether you are nineteen or five. You are still a child or should I say my child and I want you to act in a respectful matter" he states.

There is no point in arguing with him so I just nod my head to agree with him," Good. Your mother is making dinner, so be back down in about twenty minutes" he says as he turns on his heels and walks to the other room.

I walk up the rest of the stairs and turn down the hall to go to my room. To even think that appa wanted to move into an even bigger house than the one we are in now. I'm so happy that eomma put an end to that, we already have a five-bedroom house and use two of them as bedrooms, one of them as an office space, and the other two being left unused for storage or a guest bedroom.

I enter my room and shut the door behind me. I toss my bag up against my bed in the corner of the room. I lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, I'm so happy this week is over and that tomorrow is a weekend.

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