Chapter 19

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"Week 22"

~ Y/N's POV ~

I nervously look around the house at all the pink and blue decorations, I know that finding out the gender of your child should be an amazing thing, but for some odd reason, I feel really nervous. Plus, I still can't believe that Jin oppa was able to pull this off within such a short amount of time.

A hand rests on my shoulder bringing me out of my thoughts," Y/N are you okay?" I turn to see Taehyung with a worried expression on his face," Yup, I'm fine."

He gives me this look that he knows that something is bothering me," Y/N seriously what's wrong?" I start to play with my hands," Just a little nervous is all."


"About all of this", I say looking around at all the guests and decorations. "What's wrong with being a little nervous? I would be lying if I told you I wasn't" he laughs.

I fall into his chest," I just want to know if our baby bear is a boy or a girl." He rubs his hand up and down my back," Trust me I feel the exact same way."

I give him a tight squeeze before shooting him a slight smile. In which he returns with one of his grins. I continue to hold on to him as I glance around the room full of people. I'm honestly kind of shocked these many people are here. I hear a familiar screech as I let go of Taehyung and see Seoin. We both walk over to her and I open my arms to embrace her in a hug, "Agh! I'm so excited to find out!' she beams.

Tae lets out a low chuckle," I think you feel the same as everyone else here." She bashfully smiles," I know that silly! I'm just so anxious to find out! What do you guys think it is?"

Tae wraps his arm around my waist and meets my gaze as I look up at him, "You know I'm not really sure. I want one of both eventually so I don't really have a prefernce" he admits.

I let out a small laugh at the sound of hearing him say he wants another one when we haven't even had this one yet," What about you Y/N?" Seoin asks.

"Hmm," I say in thought, "I think it's going to be a boy. Either one is fine, as long as the baby is healthy that's all that matters."

We all nod our heads to agree as Seoin hands me a bag, "For you" she states. I gratefully accept it from her and hug her again, "Thank you so much for everything."

"Of course, now get to walking around, you have more people to greet and talk to besides just me ya know" she smiles as she walks away.

I guess she's right as Taehyung takes my hand as we start to walk around greeting people who have come and make some small talk if possible. I spot my parents in the back corner of the room talking to each other and walk over to them leaving Taehyung talking to some other guests.

"Appa! Eomma!" I smile as I approach them as I give them a quick hug, "I haven't seen you guys all day. I'm happy you both could make it."

"Of course we wouldn't miss this for the world Y/N" Eomma exclaims, "Now wouldn't we Sehwan?"

Appa shakes his head as if he was dosing off, "Of course yes... we wouldn't miss it for the world."

Eomma sighs as she looks over at me with a slight frown. I take a deep breath and grab appa's hand causing him to look up at me, "Appa.. You know you don't have to be here if you don't want to be..."

He shakes his head once more," I want to be Y/N, I just need some time to see my little girl growing up is all."

I feel my breath hitch in my throat as I drop his hands and pull him into a hug again feeling him hold on to me tight. His body starts to slightly shake as if he is crying, "Appa are you crying? Don't cry! I'm right here I'm fine, I promise."

He pulls away wiping away his tears," I know my darling. I just have a lot to atone for starting with you and hopefully the Kim family. I want to renew this business partnership on good terms."

He glances past my shoulder and I turn to see Taehyung talking with his parents, "I'm sure you will be fine and that everything will work out. I believe appa." He curtly nods to me before walking away with eomma to the Kim's. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, that interaction was definitely more than what I was expecting.

I feel a hand slip into mine and look up to see Taehyung, "Well from what I just heard family business meetings might be a thing again" I laugh.

Taehyung's eyes go wide and then softens again as he laughs, "We will see how that ends up. Let's go find the boys, I haven't been able to find them since this thing started."

After a couple more minutes of walking around and talking to other people, we finally locate the other 6 boys talking to each other in a small circle near the food. They all exclaim when they see us causing a lot of people to look over in our directions. They push Taehyung around a bit before coming to hug me as gently as possible.

"Aish you guys are crazy. Which one of you is it again that knows what we're having?" Taehyung asks fixing his clothes and hair.

Jin shoots his hand up with a smile spread across his face, "That would be me. Are you guys ready to do the reveal soon?"

Before we can even answer Jimin and Hoseok jump in, "Can it be soon? Because we really want to know?" Jungkook even adds in, "Yeah can we do it now I want to prove everyone who thinks it's a girl wrong"

They all look at me and Taehyung and we both shrug, "sure why not." It's like those were the words to activate Jin as he starts to move around and gather objects from the area.

He eventually makes his way to the center of the room and yells over everyone in the room to get their attention. "HELLOOOO" he yells causing people to quiet down, "Okay good. Now that I have all of your attention who is ready to find out the big question of today?!" The crowd responds with whooping noises and yells which brings a smile to my face.

"Okay, I LOVE this energy. I have a can of silly spray enough for all of you here that has the gender of the baby. We are gonna go outside and gather in a circle around the parents and spray them with it off of a count of 3 when I tell you to do so!" he announces, "So if everyone could please go outside and get ready, then we shall begin!"

It's like the nerves hit all over again as I tightly grab onto Taehyungs hand again as we follow the small crowd of people outside to this nice grassy area, Jin has really outdone himself with planning this entire thing. Jin and the rest of the boys guide us to the middle of the circle of people and then start to hand out a can of silly string to each person. He squeezes my hand as he excitedly looks around at everyone getting ready to spray us. I can only imagine how covered in silly string we are going to be.

"Alrighty, people you all should have a can. Now on the count of three, you are gonna spray it. Ready?"


I smile at Taehyung as he pulls me closer, both putting our heads to each other and closing our eyes as everyone around us starts to count down.


"3!" Screams erupt from all around us as I open my eyes to see silly string being shot in our direction. I look down at myself and at Taehyung to see us being covered in BLUE silly string. Taehyung picks me up and spins me in circles both of us smiling and cheering at the same time before he finally pulls me in for a short kiss. I look around the crowd to see eomma, appa, and Seoin crying together and see the boys cheering about a nephew.

"Whaa a boy" Taehyung whispers as he wipes a tear from his eye and rests a hand on my baby bump with his rectangle smile as the other gently cups my face. "A little boy! I can't wait for him jagi. I can't wait"

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