Chapter 17

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"Week 20"

~Taehyung's POV~

Today is the day. Today is the day we have the doctor's appointment to find out the gender of the little human, our little baby bear.

I arrive at the Lee residence and walk up the front steps to knock on the door. I hear faint noises on the other side of the door, but after some time it opens and I'm greeted by Y/N's mom. She pulls me in for a hug before motioning me to come in, "It's nice to see that you arrived safely. We should be leaving for the doctors shortly."

"Y/N!" she exclaims, "Taehyung is here!" Still, no answer that's a little strange. "Hmm. I know she's awake, she's upstairs. You are more than welcome to go up there if you want."

I nod my head, "Thank you. I'm going to go look for her."

I make my way to the stairs and walk up them to the second floor. I walk down to the end of the hall which is where Y/N's room is but she isn't in there. There's just a bunch of clothes thrown all over the place and a stuffed lion plush sitting on top of the bed. A smile grows on my face as it reminds me of the one I used to have as a child.

I turn back around to the hallway when I see a closed door. I knock on the door but there is no response, I put my ear to the door and hear coughing coming from behind the door and what I think is gagging? "Y/N are you in there? Are you okay? I'm coming in!" I announce.

I turn the knob and open the door to see her sitting on the ground with her head over the toilet. "Y/N!" I rush to her side and rub her back as she lifts her head up and spits into the toilet, "Hi Tae" she smiles.

I give her a smile back as I move her hair out of her face," Are you okay?" She gives me a little nod,"  Yeah I'm all good. I should feel better in a bit. It's just this morning sickness and stuff."

Her body lurches one more time as she throws her head back over the toilet emptying whatever was left of what she had in her stomach. She pulls her head back and wipes her mouth before flushing the toilet. She flashes me a reassuring smile before asking for help up off of the ground. I pull her up and give her a quick hug before she pushes me out of the bathroom, "I gotta get ready so we can leave. I'll be out in a minute!"

The door softly closes in front of my face, what an interesting woman I have on my hands here I laugh to myself.


We arrive at the doctor's office and sit down in the waiting room for Y/N to be called. I reach over and grab her hand as she's talking to her mom. She gives me a warm smile before continuing her conversation and not long after that a familiar doctor comes out and calls her in.

Y/N's mom plants a kiss on her forehead before we both stand up to walk into one of the rooms in the back. I follow Y/N as the doctor checks things off of a chart while walking before she guides us into a room. It is the usual set up, the bed, the monitor, and the chairs. "Alrighty sit tight, the doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse says before slipping out the door.

Y/N sits down on the bed and I sit down in the chair next to her and reach for her hand, "Are you excited?" I ask.

She nods her head," I really want to know, but I feel like it would be fine for us to find out at the same time as everyone else we know." I nod my head, "That would be pretty cool. Are you talking about those videos that people post online?"

She smiles, "Yeah exactly that... Wait! How do you know about those? Have you been watching those videos?"

"Uhhh no I haven't" I stammer. She lets out a loud gasp as she covers her mouth," Kim Taehyung you have not!" she shrieks.

I only shake my head as I have seemed to have given myself away. A guy can only do so much, I just thought some of those videos were cute and all, "I agree though, we should do that for everyone."

There's a light knock on the door before the doctor pokes her head inside of the room, "Ms.Lee?"

"Ne!" she replies.

The doctor nods her head and proceeds to walk in the room asking the usual routine questions, how have you been, any questions, and other things like that. "Hmm. Well looking at your chart, today should be a very exciting day for both of you" the doctor states. "Would you guys like to find out the gender?"

I squeeze Y/Ns hand as my way of telling her that she can answer,"  Oh yes! We would like to find out, but is it okay if we don't see it?" she asks.

"Ah yes, of course, I can do that for you both. I'll have the gender on a picture and give it to you guys in an envelope" the doctor nods. "Well, let's get with it then shall we?"

The doctor runs the device over Y/Ns small bump and a picture pops up on the screen of the baby. Like the last time I sit there and stare in awe of it, it's honestly still crazy to think that, that tiny human is mine. "Wah, it's crazy to see how much the baby has grown" I gawk getting Y/N to giggle.

I doctor presses a couple more buttons before turning to us, "alrighty I'm going to ask you both to close your eyes while I look at the gender." Y/N and I both nod giving each other a nervous smile before covering our eyes. With my other hand, I reach out and intertwine her fingers with mine. I give her hand a small squeeze when the computer clicks signaling that a picture was taken. "Aish I'm gonna go crazy" I say shutting my eyes even more than before.

After a few more clicks we get the all-clear to open our eyes as the doctor leaves to go grab the pictures. I look over in Y/N's direction and bring the backside of her hand to my lips and give her hand a soft kiss before putting it back down," I'm so excited to find out were having" she squeals," Maybe I do wanna look now?"

I stop her instantly, "Nooo Y/N no. We're gonna give the envelope to someone and we are gonna do it how we wanted to" I exclaim. The doctor walks back in the room with a warm smile on her face, "Here you go! Everything you need is in this envelope! We will see you guys back here within the next couple of months!"

Before Y/N could even react I reach out and take the envelope from the doctor and playfully stick my tongue out at her, resulting in a pout from Y/N. "I'll see you guys again soon." the doctor laughs as she closes the door to leave us to finish packing up.

Y/N starts reclothing herself and hops off of the table, "So who are you gonna give that envelope too?" she asks. I scratch my head and then look down at the envelope and back up at her," I have a person in mind that I think will do the best job with this"

A/N: what do you guys think the baby is going to be? I already know what it is going to be, but I'm curious to see what you guys think. Comment below your thoughts! I plan on revealing it in a couple of chapters from now!

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