Chapter 23

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Week 29

~ Y/N's POV ~

"Come on, let's go do something Y/N!" Seoin whines. I run my hands over my huge bump," I'm huge and tired. I don't want to go anywhere."

" I bet you baby boy whose name is..." She coughs trying to get his name out of me," wants to go somewhere"

"Baby boy, whose name will not be revealed to you until he is born is kicking me like crazy so even if he wanted to go anywhere I'm punishing him" I groan.

"Wow grounding your kid before he's even born, nice," she says looking at my bump," sorry kid you have a strict eomma." In response, he decides to kick causing the air to leave my lungs," What was that about?" Seoin gasps.

"It was him responding to you by kicking me" I huff.

"So he agrees? Right on, I'll be the best godmother ever!" She says while sticking her tongue out at me. I roll my eyes before laughing at the interesting dance Seoin is doing," Seoin when you're done with your dance can you pass me my phone."

She stops mid-dance and looks over at me," Sure." She tosses my phone over to me and I catch it. I unlock my phone and dial Taehyung's number," Who you calling?" she asks.

I shoosh her by waving my hand at her before answering hearing a familiar voice on the other end" Hello?"

"Hi, um what are you doing today?" I ask.

"I'm with the boys, but we can't figure out what to do," he says. Listening to the background noise it sounds like they are all arguing with each other while just making random noises," Can Seoin and I join?"

"Sure, if you guys can figure out something we can do together," he jokes. "Okay we will be over in a bit, bye Tae"

"Bye Y/N, be safe, love you"

" Love you too" I smile before ending the call. "Awwweeee you guys are so cute!" She shrieks.

I let out a small laugh," Yeah we're cute, but get your stuff together we are going somewhere."

"Yes, finally!" She yells as she slings her bag over her shoulder. I do the same before walking out the door while looking down at my bump, let's be nice to eomma while we are out okay? No gut checks while I'm with appa alright? I laugh at the fact that I'm talking to bump thinking that he can hear me inside, I must be going crazy.


We arrive at the older four boys' house that they share together. I knock on the door to be greeted by a familiar tousled hair boy. He pulls me into a hug before placing a kiss on my forehead before hugging Seoin as well," I will warn you now, this is going to be a mess."

He leads us through the house which has clothes here and there and as we get closer to the rest of the boys I hear some shouting getting louder. We walk into the main room and the boys are on the couch yelling at each other while playing video games. I notice that Yoongi is missing and I spot him in the corner on a chair sleeping peacefully. "Is this what you guys decided on doing?" Seoin asks while looking at the boys.

"For now this is what we agreed on until someone suggests other things to do. We were mainly waiting on you two to see if you guys had any ideas" Tae says shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah well we called you for entertainment seeing how we didn't know what to do either," I reply.

"Yikes, well make yourselves at home, I guess" he gestures to the room.

Seoin cautiously walks into the room and greets the boys before sitting down next to Jimin. I stay behind with Tae and lace my fingers with his and let out a sigh catching his attention. "What's up?" He asks.

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