Chapter 15

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Week 18

~Taehyung's POV~

"Yah! What the hell are you guys doing?" I shout looking at Hoseok and Yoongi hyung placing the Halloween decorations randomly all over the place. "What, we are setting up for the party?" Yoongi shrugs.

"You guys are just throwing the stuff everywhere" I chuckle.

"Yes exactly," Hoseok hyung says while throwing fake spider webs at me, "It's supposed to look like a mess."

"It's supposed to look like a mess?" Jin hyung questions as he walks past the three of us.

"Yes, it is hyung!" he yells after him. I sigh and pick up whatever hyung threw at me and place it around wherever decorations are scarce. "So how much people did you all invite?" Namjoon asks everyone. We all look at each other and shrug, "The usual."

We all laugh, "So it's gonna be a pretty interesting party then huh?"

"I mean look at what happened at the last one we threw in the summer," Jin says looking at me, getting a reaction out of all the boys. "Hey Tae" Namjoon says.

"Yeah hyung?" I respond.

"Your pull out game sucks" he laughs, getting the rest of the boys to laugh along with him. "Haha, really funny guys" I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of all of that, is Y/N coming tonight?" Jimin asks. I scratch my head, "You know I'm not too sure. I think she is, but I have honestly no clue."

"Didn't you guys go to a doctor's appointment recently?" Jin asks.

"Yeah, nothing new. We're both still debating if we want to know the gender or not." I say

"So the little dude is okay?" Jungkook asks.

"Little dude?" I question. "Yeah I think it's a boy, so he's a little dude to me. And if it comes out a girl then she's a princess" Jungkook shrugs. I look around at the rest of them," Do the rest of you have any guesses on what the baby is?"

They all look around at each other and nod their heads," So what do you guys think then?

"Girl" - Jin

"Boy" - Yoongi

"Girl" - Namjoon

"Girl" - Hoseok

"Girl" - Jimin

"So most of you think girl. That's really interesting to think that I of all people could have a daughter..." I say. Jungkook taps my shoulder," Welp don't think too much into it because who knows, you could be having a son instead."

"Haha your not wrong. Well enough about the baby, let's get back to finishing setting up for this party."

~Y/N's POV~


I rub my eyes and roll over on my bed to face my phone. I turn it on, a text from Tae is on the screen. "Are you coming to the party tonight?"I quickly respond back, "Not sure got to check with mom"

I roll out of bed and make my way downstairs, "Eomma"

"I'm in the kitchen" she shouts back.

I walk over to the kitchen with my feet making echo noises off of the floor, "How was your nap honey? Are you feeling better?"

I let out a yawn, "It was good and I'm feeling alright I guess." I sit down at the table and rub my head," You know I'm curious as to why there are some people that just can't wait to have kids. Feeling like this sucks."

"Now, now. No need to complain" eomma hushes me.

"Is this what it was like when you were pregnant with me?" I ask.

"No, I wasn't feeling sick at all. But, every pregnancy is different, this is just one of those occasions" she says.

"Speaking of occasions, is it okay if I go out for a bit tonight?" I ask.

"Why what's happening tonight?" she asks

"The boys are having a party and I want to go if I'm feeling well enough" I say

Eomma's facial features contort a bit as she thinks about how she should answer, "As long as you are safe and that Taehyung can look after you."

I nod my head, "I will make sure of it. Thank you eomma."

*Text Message

Y/N: I can go, eomma just wants to make sure I'm okay

Tae: Okay, don't worry I'll keep you safe. Be over to grab you in a bit

Y/N: Trust me I'm counting on you lol

* End Texts

I look around my room for any sort of clothing that I can make into a Halloween costume. I find a black shirt, black leggings, and a red coat. I put it all on and the costume looks manageable and simple. I twirl around looking into the mirror, I think I look like a pretty cute red riding hood with the exception of a small baby bump.

I walk into the bathroom and decide to put on a little bit of makeup for the hell of it. I mean why not it's a Halloween party. Plus I never really have the time or energy to wake up early enough to do my make up in the morning before school.


"I'm outside"

"Okay coming"

I quickly gather up anything else I would need into a small purse then head on my way. I head down the stairs and to the front door, "Okay eomma, I'm going now!"

"Be safe dear and come back home at a reasonable time please!" she responds. I put my hand on the doorknob, "Will do!"

I open the door, exit the house and close the door behind me. I look around outside for Tae and he is nowhere to be seen. Where the heck is he? He said he was outside. I take a couple of steps out to the street, "Taehy-?"

I let out a yelp as he pops out in front of me scaring the crap out of me. Instantly my hands shoot to my stomach. I lift a hand up and gently hit his chest, "Dummy you scared the crap out of me." He lets out a laugh, "I know, now let us go ms. Riding Hood."


After being out for a couple of hours Tae guides me up the steps to my house, "I hope you enjoyed the party."

"It was fun, definitely the most I've had in a while. Then again you boys know how to throw a party so I'm not surprised" I laugh.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Sleep well okay?" he smiles.

"I'll try" I smile, "Goodnight" I say planting a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight" he replies back trying to hide the smile on his face. I shake my head as I walk back into the house," Eomma I'm home"

I wait for an answer but get nothing in return. I walk over to the study and she's not in there. Strange. I walk upstairs to the master bedroom and peer into the room to see eomma knocked out cold on the bed. I guess appa being gone has been tough on eomma for the past couple of days.

I quietly make my way to my room and slowly start to change into nightclothes. Taking off the makeup that I put on earlier. I don't hesitate to get into bed, cuddling up with a stuffed animal, and falling asleep instantly. Dreaming of what is to come.

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