Chapter 30

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~ Taehyung's POV~

I lazily run my hand over face rubbing my eyes as I wake to the soft noises coming from the bassinet on the side of the bed. I look over at the clock sitting on the bedside table with it reading 6:13 am. As quietly as possible I shift off of the bed walking over to where the bassinet is without waking Y/N.

I approach the bassinet to see Taekwan staring off into space making soft noises.

I brush my finger softly over Taekwan's hair and can't help but smile. I look over at Y/N as she's sound asleep gaining her rest back from exerting all of her energy to bring our son into this world. I'm still in shock as I look over his features taking them all in. He has Y/N's nose, from what I can tell my eyes and lips. He's absolutely perfect.

I reach down into the bassinet scooping Taekwan up into my arms, " Well good morning Kwannie."

He stares blankly back at me before starting to whine. I gently rock him back and forth to try and calm him before he wakes up Y/N. I start to hum a soft tune and his whines slowly quiet down. I smile as I look down at him looking back at me. "Omo do you like appa's singing kwannie?"

He begins to fuss again so I walk into his nursery sitting down on the rocking chair and quietly sing the song I was humming before.

She looks like a blue parrot

Would you come fly to me?

I want some good day, good day, good day

Good day, good day

Looks like a winter bear

You sleep so happily

I wish you goodnight, good night, good night

Good night, good night

I run a finger softly over Taekwan's head and look up to see Y/N standing in the doorway looking at us with an admiring look. She does a motion with her hands as a way to signal me to continue singing...

Imagine your face

Say hello to me

Then all the bad days

They're nothing to me

With you

Winter bear

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Sleep like a winter bear

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Sleep like a winter bear

I finish the song and Taekwan is now sound asleep in my arms, "I guess he really just likes his appas voice huh?"

I nod my head not being able to take my eyes off the of the sleeping newborn in my arms, "I always said it as a joke before, but yeah I guess he really does."

"Jagiya you can go back to sleep, I can watch over him for now" I softly say.

She shakes her head walking over to me wrapping her arms around me from behind the chair, "It's okay Tae, I'm wide awake now. I didn't see him in the bassinet and saw that you were out of bed so I figured you would be here. Plus Seoin was here helping me last night while you were out working with the boys."

"Hmm I still think you should get some rest, the boys are going to be coming over later" I sigh.

Y/N lets out a sigh before letting go of me, "I'll only go to sleep if you come back to bed with me." I raise an eyebrow at her, "You want cuddles don't you?"

She shyly nods her head, "Yeah, I do."

I let out a soft laugh before nodding my head, "Okay, I'll join you after I put him down."

We both walk back into the bedroom, as Y/N makes herself comfortable underneath the sheets I gently place Taekwan back in his bassinet trying my best not to wake him. I hurriedly make my way back to my side of the bed before joining Y/N in bed.

I snuggle up behind her, wrapping my arms around her torso pulling her close closing my eyes and eventually drifting back off to sleep.


I roll over on the bed and reach an arm out to feel for Y/N only to feel the bed. I open my eyes to see the bed empty and Taekwan's bassinet empty. I throw the sheets off of me and ruffle my hair as I walk into the bathroom. I quickly get ready for the day by brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. I walk over to the dresser drawer and change my clothes into something casual before heading downstairs.

"Yah look who finally decided to join the party!" Hoseok hyung announces pulling me into a hug.

"What are you guys doing here? You aren't supposed to be here for another couple of hours" I ask looking around the living room at all of the hyungs and Jungkook.

"We wanted to come earlier and hang out with our little nephew longer," Jungkook says while looking down at Taekwan in his arms.

"Kook it's my turn to hold him now" Yoongi hyung announces from the couch, earning a sigh from Jungkook as he passes off Taekwan to the older boy.

"Hyung you guys need to have more babies so we don't have to all share one" Jungkook mutters.

I open my mouth to speak, but Y/N beats me to it, "Not happening Kook" she laughs, "Ask your other hyungs cause we're not having another one for a very long time."

Jungkook looks around at the rest of the hyungs as they try their best to avoid eye contact with him. I laugh as I wrap an arm around Y/N's waist pulling her close and softly kissing her cheek.

"Ya heard the woman" I chuckle, " Yoongi hyung can be next."

Yoongi defensively puts his hands up, "Hey don't drag me into this!" Jin hyung slaps Yoongi hyungs shoulder, "Yoongi don't act like we haven't seen a mysterious person leave your room in the early morning."

Yoongi hyung instantly goes red as he tries to cover his face, "See Yoongs be careful!" Y/N laughs.

A/N: One more chapter left! Thank you all for reading! Also this is what I think Yoongs face would be like when he got exposed lol

A/N: One more chapter left! Thank you all for reading! Also this is what I think Yoongs face would be like when he got exposed lol

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Hope you all have a good day,  stay tuned for next week!

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