Chapter 29

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~Y/N's POV~

The next couple of moments seem to happen in a blur. All of a sudden all of the boys are running all over the place before I get placed into the car with Taehyung in the back seat with me and Yoongi and Jungkook sitting in the front seat.

I grip onto Taehyung's hand as another contraction hits. He soothing rubs circles on my back doing whatever he can to try and help reduce the pain I'm in. I try my best to breathe without letting panic set in that I am kind of far away from my due date still.

It feels like within minutes we end up at the hospital. Jungkook hurriedly jumps out of the car disappearing for a couple of minutes before returning with a couple of nurses running out of the building behind him. They open the door and help me out of the car into a wheelchair before pushing me into the building. Within what it feels like seconds Tae is helping me get changed into a hospital gown and I'm hooked up to all these different machines after being checked out. 

I sit down on the bed and try to get as comfortable as possible. I look over at Tae and from just one look on his face I can tell out nervous he is, "Tae?" No response. I call for him again, "Tae?"

This time he looks over in my direction with a soft smile, "Yes jagi? Sorry I phased out for a  moment."

I open my arms out to him and he pushes himself up off of the chair in the corner of the room and walks into my arms, "Do you think he's going to be alright coming this early?" I ask him while looking down at my bump wrapped in monitors.

Taehyung  nods his head slowly, "He's a Kim, I'm sure he will be just fine. I promise." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in, I really hope that he will be okay...

A slight pressure starts to build as my lower abdomen starts to tighten. I let out a small whimper as I reach out for Taehyung while trying to maintain my breathing. Tae looks over at one of the monitors on the side and notices that on the paperwork there is a spike in the readings. He reaches around me and slowly massages my back, "Just remember to breathe okay Y/N."

The pain starts to subside and for once I'm starting to think that I am crazy for not using any medicine if not needed. A light tap at the door causes both of us to look at it, "Come in."

The door opens slowly to reveal both of our parents standing outside in the doorway, "Eomma! Appa!" I say trying to hold back my tears. They rush over to my bedside and gently embrace me.

They pull away as eomma holds onto one of my hands and appa brushes hairs out of my face, "How is my little girl doing?" I let out a low hiss of pain as another contraction hits as I respond to him, "Ya know... I've been better."

Appa lets out a soft chuckle before planting a kiss on my forehead, "I'll leave you to your mother. I'm sure she has a lot to tell you." Eomma looks up at him with a smile before patting his arm as he walks away, "Are you ready to meet him?"

"I can't wait, but I'm just so nervous eomma..." I say while playing with my hands, "What if something goes wrong?"

She runs a hand through my hair as she shushes me, "Silly girl don't think like that. What is the progress looking like?"

I look over to the monitors that display the baby's heartbeat before looking back at her, "They said within the next couple of hours there should be a baby."

She excitedly claps her hands, "A grandson. My grandson. I can't wait. I'll leave you to get some rest until then, but if you need me don't hesitate to reach out." I nod my head as she pulls me in for another embrace before meeting appa outside. I look over at the Kim's and notice that they are also leaving and go to meet with my parents out in the hallway before leaving.


It's been at least an hour and a half since we've been at the hospital and the pain has only gotten worse. It got to the point where I just couldn't anymore and had to take painkillers. After that, wow nothing hurt at all. The doctor did say though that as time progresses and the closer we get to having the baby the effect of the painkiller wouldn't feel the same and boy was he right.

I moan as the contractions are barely minutes apart and coming with huge waves of pain as my body is preparing for the literal hell it is about to go through. I hold on to the handlebar of the bed trying to work my way through the pain as Taehyung rests his hand on top of mine, "It's okay Y/N I'm right here."

"Never again. We are not doing this ever again" I grunt as the pain is still flowing through my body. Taehyung tries to stifle his laughter as he agrees with me, "Yes darling never again."

This next contraction hits me almost as close to what I would compare getting hit by a bus feels like. The only difference with this one is that I start to feel this building pressure between my legs and the instinct to want to push, "Tae! Call the nurse please! I can't wait, I need to push!"

He hurriedly hits the call button multiple times having a set of nurses come into check what is happening. He tells them everything that is going on and a new group of people suddenly enter the room bringing in all of the things that they would need for the baby. Meanwhile, I'm trying to fight the urge to push.

Everyone eventually gets into their right place and I get the go-to start pushing. I reach out for Taehyung's hand as he stands next to me trying to instruct me with what the doctors are saying. After a lot of screaming, pain, and a lot of hard work the room goes silent until a small cry fills the room causing Taehyung and I to go still.

"Congratulations! Happy birthday little guy!" the doctor says as he sets our little boy down on my chest. I take in every detail of his face, "Omo he's perfect..." He is definitely pulling more of his father's looks than he is mine, but still, he is perfect.

"Appa if you want you can come over here and cut the cord" the doctor asks looking at Taehyung. He excitedly walks over to the doctor listening to his instructions before cutting the cord. He walks back over to my side as runs a finger over our little boy's cheek, " he's here jagiya he's finally here. I can't believe it."

I look up at him and my lips meet his before we both look back in awe at our son laying on my chest softly whimpering. I lightly run my hand up and down on the newborns back to try and soothe him while Taehyung plays around with his hand.

A nurse comes back to us to take him away to get his measurements and to make sure he is doing okay for being as early as he is. I look over at Tae, "Go with him, please. Don't leave him alone, I'll be fine." He nods his head before giving me a quick kiss and following the nurse holding our child.

After a few minutes, he comes back holding a small bundle in his arms, rocking him slowly back and forth, "Hey, Kim Taekwan I'm not sure if you know who is speaking to you, but it's your appa speaking. Your beautiful eomma and I love you so much."

Kim Taekwan

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Kim Taekwan

March 12th

5 pounds 6 ounces

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