Chapter 26

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"Week 32"

~Y/N's POV~

I sigh as I look into the mirror after sliding my dress down my body. At this point my bump is so massive that nothing that I can wear will look cute. I just look like a whale and hate it. I turn to the side and that view only makes it worse. I let out a groan of frustration before sitting down on the bed.

Taehyung comes out of the bathroom freshly out of the shower running his hands through his hair, " Omo what are all these noises about love?  Is everything okay?"

I slightly shake my head and let out a huff of air, " Nothing fits right anymore Tae, I feel like I look ridiculous. He reaches his hand out onto mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze, "Don't talk like that Y/N, you are beautiful. Never forget that. I'm going to finish getting ready and then we can head out okay?"

I nod my head as he places a kiss on my forehead before walking back into the bathroom. He tries to act all cute by dropping his towel to one side and act all embarrassed before giving me his box smile and continues to get ready. I run my hand over my bump as I feel a slight ripple of pain run through my body. I let out a soft groan, gosh agi what are you doing in there. I continue to soothe the pain until it slowly goes away, only a month left of this and then we are done. I can't wait.

He starts to hum as he struts out of the bathroom posing like he is on the run way of a fashion show. Everytime he stops to pose he shoots a goofy smile at me causing me laugh. When he stops he flicks his imaginary collar on his shirt and gently wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Hey girl you gotta man, cause you is fine"

I gently hit his chest pushing away from him as I laugh, "Aigoo you're too much.  Let's go silly."

He places a kiss on my check as me pulls me close to him once again as he leads me out the door, "Onward says the pretty lady! Let's go!"


"Jagiya! Are you ready to get food?" Taehyung questions.

"Of course I am. I got to feed the two of us somehow you know" I laugh. Taehyung interlocks his fingers with mine as we walk into a grocery store to pick up some food items before meeting up with everyone else. The boys decided that they wanted to have a group outing today out at Cheongpyeong Lake to celebrate the youngest of the group graduating out of high school.

We grab a bunch of chips, sandwiches, drinks, and anything else we can think of before heading back out to meet everyone at the lake. I couldn't help but munch on some food during the drive out there. Every so often Taehyung would look over and see me stuffing my face full of food to laugh then go back to driving. After a decent amount of driving we arrive at the lake just at the same time as everyone else.

Taehyung parks the car before walking over to my side to help me out, "My lady"  he says while offering me his hand. I gratefully take it as I step out of the car only to be greeted by the 6 other boys yelling about what they are going to do today.

"Hyung, I wanna go down that slide, go on that boat, climb on those rafts, I want to do it all!" Jungkook exclaims getting the other boys to laugh at his excitement in response. (I got inspiration for this chapter from their bts run episode!)

Seeing how I am in the condition that I am I told the boys that  I would sit this one out and watch them have fun, which I was more than okay with. I waddle over to the group of boys and give each one of them a hug, all of them look really excited except for one of them, "Hobi what's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this place Y/N. I have a feeling I might end up sitting on the side with you for most of the today" he softly says while scratching the back of his head hoping none of the other boys heard him.

I give him a reassuring smile, "If that happens I'm more than welcome for the company."

We both follow the rest of the boys into the place as I watch Taehyung and Jungkook bounce up and down out of excitement. We walk down toward the water where all the main attractions are  the water course, the slides, everything. All the boys gawk at what's in front of them and I can't help but let out a little giggle. It's like they all just become kids again in a candy store.

Eventually they all go off into the water as I sit and watch them on shore, keeping a protective hand over my bump, "Aish agi you are going to need so much energy to keep up with your uncles. I bet you are just gonna be like your appa huh." In response, there's suddenly a light pressure on my left side as if he is acknowledging me. I can only imagine him and Taehyung running around with each other nonstop.

I'm shaken from my thoughts as Hoseok throws himself down on the bench next to me with a thud, "You done for the day?" I ask.

He nods his head before shaking his hair off and wrapping himself in his towel, "Aish, I really don't like the water"  he laughs. "How have you and my awesome nephew been doing?" he asks looking down at my bump.

"We've been okay, mainly just very hungry," I laugh, "Tae thinks that I could eat a whole cow by myself at this point."

He joins me laughing as well, "As long as you two are safe and healthy that's all that matters.  Only a couple more months now right?"

"Yup at this point only two-" I say before getting cut off due to a sudden sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I let out a low hissing noise as I clutch onto my bump, what is happening right now? "Yah Y/N are you alright?" I hear Hoseok ask with a slight panic in his voice.

I reach out for his hand so I have something to steady myself with as I wince in pain, "I-I don't know what's wrong hobi... It really hurts..."

I look into his eyes and can clearly see that he is trying his hardest to not freak out. I try my best to take in as much air as possible as he shouts for Taehyung, too scared to leave me alone. As Taehyung comes running up the hill the pain starts to slowly reduce allowing me to breathe more easily.

"Yah Y/N are you alright? What's wrong?" he asks dropping to the ground cupping my face in his hands, "Is everything okay?" I give him a slow nod before nuzzling my face into his hand, "The pain is going away now, it was just so intense and sudden it caught me off guard."

His eyes dart back in forth finding it hard to focus on something as his mind is completely frazzled, "Shall we take you to the hospital to make sure everything is okay?"

I shake my head as I slowly run my hands in circles over my bump, "No, I don't think so. I should be fine. If it happens again then we can go. I think it's just those false contractions. I don't want to take you away from the boys."

He shakes his head as he runs his hand through my hair, "As important as these hyungs are to me, you and our son mean more. If we have to go, then we will go. Everyone will understand, okay? Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

I shake my head once again. Hoseok walks up behind Taehyung and lays a hand on his shoulder, "Yah go back to having fun with the rest of them. I'll stay up here and keep a close eye on Y/N. You can trust me."

Taehyung looks at Hoseok for a second before reluctantly agreeing. He gently runs his hand over my bump as if one touch to it would make it shatter, before placing a kiss on it then kissing my cheek, "Okay sit tight, I'll be back after I show these guys who they're messing with" he smiles before running off back to the rest of the boys dog piling over Jungkook to get a ball away from him.

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