Chapter 11

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Week 12

~ Y/N's POV ~

I take a deep breath before entering my classroom keeping my head as low as possible, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, hoping that everyone would leave me alone. Eomma told me not to mind them and continue on as if anything never happened. It sounds like the right thing to do, but at the same time, it sounds like something very hard to do.

I walk past some of the girls that cornered me from before hearing them stop what they are talking about to watch me walk past them then silently make remarks about me. I let out a sigh ignoring them and continuing to my seat. I take whatever I need out of my bag before slinging it onto the chair and sitting down.

Looking down at the tiny bump forming now, I let out a soft sigh while unconsciously rubbing my hand over it," What am I going to do?..."

Soft shrieks come from the left of me from the group of girls as the one and only Taehyung enters the room. He gives them a quick glance before turning his attention to me. I guess the girls noticed as well and look over at me with a scoff. I look down at my desk, so I don't have to deal with the girls' looks they are giving me and the weird look Taehyung is giving me seeing how I don't want anything to do with him right now, or maybe even ever.

Feet appear in front of my desk and I can only guess who it is, "Leave me alone." His hands appear in front of my eyes as they rest on the desk, I watch his slender fingers form into fists," Y/N, can I talk to you?"

I look up at him and look into his eyes crossing my hands over my chest," Look, I said leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you, and really I don't care about what you have to say to me. You made your point clear enough last week."

He opens his mouth to say something with a face of hurt but closes it instead before lightly tapping the desk then walking away. I let out a breath, that was probably the hardest thing I had to do today so far. Of course, I want to talk to him and figure this entire thing out, but I need to make sure he gets the message that what he did wasn't cool.

With a huff I rest my head on my hands and stare at the front of the class until the bell rings, I don't even bother to talk to Seoin who was trying to start up a conversation the entire time after she arrived to class.


The bell rings releasing us to lunch, I break away from the crowd and make my way to the courtyard even though it's a little chilly outside, I would rather be cold and eat my lunch than eat my lunch with people who are going to be...rude. There are a lot more other names I would rather call them but I would like to be polite and not drop to their level.

I shiver as a light cool breeze blows throughout the courtyard, I sit on one of the benches and start to eat my lunch in peace listening to the sounds of nature as I do so.

In a matter of time, I'm done eating and let out a satisfied breath," That was really good."

I place my lunch bag down next to me on the bench and let myself unwind in the cool air. The sounds of leaves crunching beneath someone's feet brings me back to reality, turning around to see who it is I see the only person I don't want to talk to, Kim Taehyung.

"What do you want? I thought I said to leave me alone!" I exhale.

"I told you already, I just want to talk to you" he states while leaning against the side of the building with his arms crossed.

"Talk about what? There is nothing for us to talk about. Do you want to talk about this baby I'm carrying inside of me, or according to you, do you not know what I'm talking about!" I exclaim.

He pushes himself off the wall and starts to walk in my direction," Look Y/N, just let me explain-"

"Explain what! There is nothing for you to explain! And I don't want to waste my time arguing with you. I'm done, so I'm leaving" I huff as I try to walk past him, only for him to grab my arm and pull me in front of him.

"Stop being so stubborn and actually hear me out goddamnit!" He yells causing me to look up at him.

"Look I'm sorry alright, I didn't know what to do, and I sure as hell didn't mean to brush you off and leave you there like I did. After I did it, I regretted it instantly. Leaving you like that and seeing how the way you looked at me after was heartbreaking, this was all I thought and dreamt about all weekend. I don't know what I can do to make it up to you, but just please forgive me if you think I deserve your forgiveness. If not I understand, I'm at fault, to begin with anyway" he confesses.

I stare at him wide-eyed after his apology not knowing how to react. I didn't expect him to apologize, I expected him to just leave and not saying about what happened at all. But to know that he felt bad and that was what was on his mind the entire weekend means he at least cares.

He takes both of his hands and holds each of mine," Y/N?"

I take a gulp before answering him," I forgive you."

I hear him let out a sigh before pushing me back a bit so he can look at my face," That's very relieving, here I thought you never would forgive me. But I need to tell you one more thing..."

"And what is that?" I ask gazing at his face and taking in his facial features.

" Lee Y/N, I like no I love you..." He confesses with his eyes shut tight as if he is afraid to see my reaction.

"You what?" I ask back in shock. This entire time, I liked him, but I never did know that he felt the same way.

"I have had these feelings since I first met you at the very first meeting we attended too as kids. At the time I thought it was just my mind loading tricks on me, but over the years I found out that it wasn't a trick, it was actually feelings. Seeing how you came from your family who is much higher up from my family, I thought I would never have a chance with you and on top of that I didn't know how to approach you about my feelings or just approach you at all without being a complete jerk."

I watch him as his eyes scan my face before locking onto my eyes once again," In the end, I chose not to talk to you besides at our parents meeting and push you away from me seeing how I thought I would never have a chance. Then all of this happened, and I got to know you just a little bit better and I realized that after you told me you were having my child, I failed to keep you away from me. But, in the end, maybe that's a good thing.."

I stare at him not quite sure what to say, this entire time I thought he was just being some jock, but in actuality, he had feelings but decided to push me away cause he thought he wasn't good enough. Never would I have thought that this would happen, better yet anything in the last couple of months would happen.

"I don't expect you to answer me about what I just said, but I'm happy that I was finally able to tell you how I feel. Lee Y/N, you make me feel things that I never would have to imagine that I would ever feel, will you be my girlfriend?"

I feel like the world around me came to a haunting stop, this has been something that I have been thinking about for so long, but now that it's actually happening I don't know what to do. I meet his eyes before slowly nodding my head," Yes, I would love to be."

A grin slowly starts to make a way across his face before he finally pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me before holding me in an embrace resting his head on top of mine," I promise no matter what, from here on out I will always be here for you no matter what."

A/N: Today is Tae's Birthday!!! Happy birthday Taehyung!!!

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