Chapter 18

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"Week 21"

~Y/N's POV~

"Y/N!" Eomma yells from the kitchen," Remember that appa is coming home today from his overseas trip!"

Aish, I totally forgot and I'm honestly not even sure how to feel with him coming back home. The last time I saw him was not really the best, he ended his business ties with the Kim's and basically disowned me. I sigh as I push myself up from lying down on my bed, I look down and my growing bump and run my hands over it," little one, hopefully, your halabeoji warms up to you soon."

I reach for the extra pictures we got from the doctors' appointment last week on my bedside table and look over them. I seriously can't wait to see what this little squish will look like. I smile to myself as I set the pictures back down onto my bed. As I do an idea pops into my head as I spring off of my bed and run as fast as possible down the stairs.

"Eomma do we have any extra envelopes lying around the house?" I ask slightly out of breath. Eomma turns away from the stove and raises an eyebrow to see me doubled over catching my breath before letting out a laugh," You must've not exercised in a long time huh Y/N. There should be some in your father's office, be careful not to make it a mess though you know how he gets."

"Ne!" I respond as I make my way over to his office. I stop in front of the door, I can't even remember the last time I was even allowed to be in here. I put my hand on the doorknob, twist it and it opens with a click. I push the door open to be greeted by appa's gloomy office. I shiver as I walk and instinctively move my hand down to my bump, "Agi this is where your halabeoji usually spends all of his time. It's like his lair in a sort" I laugh.

I shuffle throughout his office trying to leave everything in its right place. I stumbled upon some old pictures of myself in one of appa's drawers kind of funny to think he would have these here. I replace them and find a pile of envelopes and pull one of them out. I quickly rearrange everything and then head back to the kitchen.

"Y/N?" I hear eomma call.

"Ne?" I reply as I walk up next to her.

"What do you need the envelope for?" she asks with a curious look.

"Well, appa comes back today right. I want to at least give him a picture of the baby. I feel like that would be nice even if he won't like it" I say.

"Ahh, I see. That's really nice of you and a really good idea. I'm sure your father will warm up more to it as time goes on. You just gotta let him work through it" she says.

I nod my head knowing how appa is and how he gets. I'm sure he will come around eventually no matter how mad he is at me. "Yeah, I know eomma. I'll be upstairs if you need me" I say as I give her a quick hug before retreating back to my room.

I pull out a piece of paper and write a quick note down on it before cutting off one of the ultrasound pictures that we got from the doctors' appointment. I stick both inside the envelope and seal it up, addressing it to appa on the front. I make my way back to appa's office and place the envelope on his desk, seeing how this will most likely be the place he will come to after he gets back home. I give my bump a little pat as I close the door," Hopefully agi this works out the way I want it to"


I wake up from my phone buzzing near my face. I groggily rub my eyes with the back of my hands as I sit up straight in bed.

Message from Tae Tae:

The envelope has been delivered to the person I was thinking of and our little get together will be next week.

I quickly respond back, "Who did you end up giving it to that could set up a little party within one week?"

My phone dings once more as Taehyung's message pops up on my phone," Jin hyung, he insisted that he helped plan this thing and that we shouldn't worry about it and he has it all under control."

If there is one person I would trust for something like this it would be Jin oppa. He already takes care of all of the boys so at this point I'm not surprised it's him who took this on. I send Taehyung back a quick thumbs-up before tossing my phone back down onto my bed. I look at the clock on the bedside table and notice it's around 6 in the evening, meaning that appa should be home and that dinner should be soon as well.

I slowly make my way downstairs and see eomma making the table and appa sitting down on the couch watching his television show. "Eomma?" I ask," Do you need any help?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see appa look in my direction then turn back to the tv. I guess he's still upset with me. "Ne, come here," she says. I walk over to her and help move dishes over to the table. Once the table is set we all gather around the table to eat with an awkward silence and tension filling the room.

"So honey how was the trip?" eomma asks.

Appa swallows the bites of food he has in his mouth before he answers," It went really well. It was a nice opportunity to see what the business will be working with."

I sit there and nod as he continues to go on about his trip with all of the logistics," Was it beautiful in Japan? I heard that it can be quite nice around this time of year." I ask.

He looks at me and bluntly responds," yes it was pleasant." I guess he still doesn't want to talk to me either. I try to strike up conversation throughout the rest of dinner with nothing working. I finish off my food and excuse myself from the table.

"Excuse me, young lady, where do you think you are going?" appa asks as I put my dishes in the sink.

"I am going back upstairs to my room after this why?" I ask trying to hold back my sass.

"We are still eating, why are you excused?" he asks," Sit back down now."

Ignoring his demand, I wash the dishes and walk past the dining table," Have you gone deaf while I was gone? Sit back down Y/N" he states.

"Did you not hear what I said appa? I said no. Now stop acting like you actually care about me and acknowledge my presence when you are clearly still upset at me. I'll be upstairs in my room." I say as I leave the dining room and head back upstairs away from my parents.

~3rd Person POV~

As Y/N walks back up the stairs to her room, her father drops his head in his hands with frustration," Jagiya I don't understand our child at all" he complains.

All Y/N's mom can do is shake her head," She wants her appa back. She wants to be forgiven and to feel supported by you." She stands up and clears the rest of the table of the dishes.

Mr. Lee pushes himself away from the table and walks into his office, the only place where everything can feel right in his mind. He sits down on his chair and notices an envelope sitting on his desk addressed to him "appa". He picks it up and inspects the outside of it acknowledging it must be from Y/N. 

He sighs as he opens the envelope revealing an ultrasound picture of his grandchild with the writing "Hi halabeoji I can't wait to meet you!" He can't help but smile at the fact that he has a picture of the baby. Once again he drops his head back into his hands and sighs looking at the picture," Aish, maybe I was too hard on her..."

A/N: Yay yay for 2k!! Thank you all who are reading!!

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