Chapter 12

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Week 13

~ Y/N's POV ~

Out of habit, I nervously start to play with my fingers as eomma, Taehyung, and I sit inside the waiting room of the clinic for my doctors' appointment. As much as I enjoy having Taehyung here, I would have rather him not come to this one, seeing how it's still really early on and all.

I'm happy that Taehyung and I are together and that he is here with me now though, but I can only wonder if he said all those things just because I'm carrying his child. It seems ridiculous, I know, but it's just a thought that I can't get out of my mind.

I feel a hand rest on top of my leg and I look up to who the arm belongs too, to be greeted by his goofy boxy smile," You alright?"

I nod my head," Yup, just a little bit nervous is all."

This time I feel another hand on my shoulder accompanied by a voice," There is nothing to be nervous about, everything will be fine. I remember the first time I had to do this with you, it was so exciting!"

I force a small smile," At least you were happy about it. I'm just full of mixed emotions, and I don't know why."

A lady wearing mint green scrubs appears calling out my name," Lee Y/N?"

I take a deep breath before standing up and smiling at the lady," Well here goes nothing."

Taehyung grabs my hand," Everything will be alright."

I look over at eomma and she is shooing me away," You will be alright. I'll be sitting out here waiting for you two."

I nod my head and squeeze Taehyungs hand as we walk toward the lady following her into a room," You both can wait here until the doctor comes in. Y/N you can sit up on that chair and you can sit on those chairs."

"Okay, thank you" we both answer.

She closes the door behind her and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding," Well isn't this nerve-wracking."

"Yeah, no kidding" he laughs while rubbing his hands together.

A silence falls upon the room as we both look around not quite sure what to do or say. So instead I just observe Taehyung. His blonde hair that is starting to show brown at his roots, and how his eyes are going a hundred miles a second while taking in the room. I let out a soft laugh at how much of a lost child he looks like at the moment.

"Hey I appreciate you coming today," I say.

He looks up at me through his hair that fell in front of his face," Why wouldn't I come? I'm here to support you as your boyfriend and as the father of our child."

"I'm just saying because you could be with all the other oppas right now, but you are here" I answer.

" They can wait as much as they seem like family to me they are not, this right here is my family, and family always comes first. Besides, the boys know of the situation already so they don't mind" he admits.

"They know? What do they think about me?" I ask, curious to see if they said anything.

"What does it matter about what they think about you. What we are going through has done nothing to change about how they view you or even me. They find you an enjoyable person to be around and would like to spend time with you more" he states.

A smile grows on my face causing him to smile as well," Well then we better get on that huh? I'll try and do stuff with you guys when I have the chance. Hopefully, before I blow up to the size of a huge balloon."

We both let out a laugh and stop when we hear a knock on the door," Come in"

A man wearing similar clothing to the nurse before walks in," Hi there, I'm Doctor Cho Hansung, how are both of you today?"

"I'm Lee Y/N, nice to meet you and I'm doing well" I reply.

Taehyung stands up from his chair and shakes Doctor Cho's hand," Kim Taehyung and I'm doing fine as well."

" Nice to meet you both" he looks back at Taehyung," Are you the father?"

He nods his head in reply," Yes I am."

"Well, congratulations to both of you" Doctor Cho says with a smile.

Taehyung and I both look at each other with a smile," Thank you."

"Well, I'm going to have to check up on multiple things here seeing how this is your first appointment. Then after that, we can hear your baby's heartbeat and possibly even get to see the little guy or girl today"


"Okay now that is done, let's take a look to see if we can get a look at your baby. Sir, if you want you can move over here so you can see" he informs.

Taehyung gets up and moves to my side taking my hand. The Doctor puts a gel on my stomach catching me off guard causing to suck in a breath from how cold it is. Taehyung lets out a low chuckle and I shoot him a friendly glare. Next, the Doctor puts the Doppler on my stomach and spreads the gel all around and then suddenly a picture appears on the monitor.

Both Tae and I gasp as a little body appears on the screen," There is your baby." All I can do is smile and squeeze Taehyungs hand while watching in astonishment as the Doctor points out everything on the screen. This just makes it a hundred times more real.

The Doctor presses a couple more buttons, then a loud repetitive whooshing sound fills the room," And this is your baby's heartbeat."

I look up next to me at Tae, and he has his mouth open wide. He looks down at me before smiling and giving my hand a soft squeeze. The Doctor removes the Doppler before wiping off the gel and hands us ultrasound pictures," Well now we are pretty much done. It was nice to meet you two, I'll see you for your next appointment."

He shakes our hands once again before leaving the room, leaving Taehyung and I alone. I sit up and suddenly all the emotions I felt throughout the entire appointment hit me. I cover my face and drop my head as I feel myself start to cry. "Omo Y/N," I feel Taehyung rest his hand on my shoulder while using his other one to lift my chin up," Aigoo why are you crying?"

I look down at the pictures before handing it to him," That. No, that baby, is ours."

A smile grows on his face before pulling me into a hug," Yes, yes it is, and today just made me more excited for him or her."

I wipe the tears from my face," Sorry for crying, I think it's the hormones acting up."

He lets out a laugh," It's alright. Now let's go so grandma can see her grandchild."

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