Chapter 27

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Week 33


I walk into the spare room full of baby stuff that will soon be the nursery, "Tae are you sure that you and the boys can set everything up?"

He nods his head, "Of course we can. They're going to pick up a couple more things and then they will be here and help me with it all."

He reaches out for my hands rubbing them softly, "Y/N ah don't worry about us okay? Everything will be fine, I promise."

I give him a reassuring smile, "I know Tae, I just want to be here to help you."

He shakes his head before planting a kiss on my cheek, "I want to set up and surprise you with how it looks jagi. Plus, you have a doctor's appointment today remember?"

"I know but-" I say only to get cut off by Tae putting a figure up to my lips.

"No, buts. You're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting anyway. Especially after the incident. I'm just trying to make sure that nothing happens okay?" he says with a slight smile.

I nod my head before pressing a kiss on his lips, "I'll get going then, I'll see you when I get home?"

"Definitely. You will see me and this nursey done. Oh! Tell Seoin I said hi, I haven't seen her in a while."

I nod my head before making my way down the stairs and out the door to head to my doctors' appointment.


Seoin and I sit inside of the doctors' office together waiting for my name to be called out to go into the back.

"Y/N is the wait usually that long?" Seoin sighs.

I can't help but let out a soft laugh, "Gosh you sound just like Taehyung right now. It's kind of slow, but I don't mind it."

"Aish don't compare me to him" she laughs, "If I'm going to be him, I'm driving you home after."

I raise my hands up in defense while laughing, "Fine, fine. But, you can drive after since you offered."

She lets out a soft groan before letting a puff of air out, "Fine"

I give her the widest and cheesiest smile possible as a way to poke at her more getting her to laugh. "Give me the keys you cheeseball, hurry up"

I excitedly hand her the keys as we walk out of the doctors' office to the parking lot. I make my way as fast as possible to the passenger side of the car getting in after Seoin unlocks it. I hurry in buckling myself like an excited child, "Gosh you are really something else huh? I hope he doesn't end up like you" she laughs.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment" I state, "I am amazing and nothing is wrong with that."

Seoin starts the car up and adjusts the mirrors so she can see properly while driving, "So give me a rundown of what this appointment was for? The doctor had me lost as soon as he walked in."

"It was a check-up to see how everything has been going since the incident that happened," I say softly running a hand over my bump.

"Ahh the catastrophe in the convenience store, it's a shocker I'm still alive honestly" she huffs.

"Aish stop talking like that! You're here now and that's all that matters alright?" I say back looking over in her direction as she focuses on the road.

"Jeez mom no need to lecture me" she sighs, "I'm grateful for everything, trust me Y/N. I'm happy I can be here with all of you. But, my main question is, is everything okay?"

I nod my head slowly, "He seems to be doing fine, I just got to keep taking it easy. I'm surprised the doctor told me to start going on short walks from how serious everything seemed earlier."

A comfortable silence fills the car as Seoin continues to drive, I look out the window not recognizing what area we are in, "Hey, where are we going?"

"I'm taking you somewhere Tae requested then I'm taking you home" she states turning off of the main road to a side street.

"He did what?" I ask.

"Aish, don't worry about it. I'll take you where he asked me to then straight home, promise. Knowing you, I know you are urging to see what the nursery looks like" she assures me.


Seoin turns the car off as we pull up into the driveway of Taehyung and I's shared house. I let out a sigh of relief as I step out of the car and lightly stretch, "He's really a saint for booking us those massages. I never knew I needed it until we got there."

"He really is the best. You got a good guy Y/N" she laughs approaching the door. She holds the door open for me as I walk past her into the house. I look around the downstairs and see nothing but plates in the kitchen which is what I'm assuming their lunches.

"Yah hyung! Not there!"

I turn around and look at Seoin as she lets out a soft giggle, "Oh gosh I can only imagine what it is like up there right now."

I shake my head as I walk to the bottom of the stairs looking up to the upstairs, "Tae?" I call out, "We're back!"

The boys begin to shush each other having the upstairs fall quiet until Tae pops his head out from above, "Hi jagi."

"Hi silly" I laugh, "what are you doing up there?"

He scratches the back of his head as he walks down the stairs, "uhhh nothing much you know." He pulls me in for a quick hug before pulling back with his arms behind his back, "Can I see it?" I ask looking upstairs.

"In a bit. How about you fill me in on the doctors' appointment first before we go up?" he suggests while looking at Seoin. I watch as she nods her head and runs past us upstairs.  I let out a soft whine as he leads me over to the couch, "Tae, come on"

He shakes his head as he grabs onto my hands in my lap, "Talk first and then we can go."

I let out a soft sigh as I begin to fill Tae in on what the doctors' appointment detailed and even everything that happened after the appointment. "Can we go now?" I beg.

He chuckles softly as he finally nods his head and stands up from the couch, "Gosh you are so impatient."

"Hey don't start. I've been waiting to see this all day since you insisted that it needed to be a surprise" I retort. We walk up the stairs together and over to the second door on the right.

Taehyung gently takes my hand into his running his thumb over the backside of my hand, "Ready?"

I nod my head trying my best to contain the smile growing on my face. He slowly opens the door revealing the nursery with the rest of the boys and Seoin inside. "Surprise!" they all yell.

The room is filled with whites and greys with stars all around the room, "It's gorgeous, oh my gosh I love it!"

"Y/N the best part is the crib, come take a look!" Yoongi says getting everyone to move away from the crib behind them.

"Oh my... You got the one we were looking at! And oh... his lion..." I gasp.

Tae pulls me into a tight side-hug as he grins widely looking over everyone in the room, "Thanks for the help today guys"

I quickly wipe a stray tear away as I nod my head in agreement, "Seriously thank you so much."

I go around hugging everyone tightly to thank them, now that the nursery is set up it all seems so much real. Only so many more weeks until he will finally be here.

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