Chapter 20

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"Week 24"


I wander around the school hallways keeping my arms around myself protectively. It's been a while since anyone has bothered me in school. The girls stopped snickering at me after what happened with Taehyung, they only shoot me weird looks every now and again. I walk up to my locker quickly unlocking it grabbing what I need from it.

I close my locker door to be greeted by Jungkook flashing his bunny smile causing me to jump a little, "Aish Y/N did I scare you?" he asks with a worried look. I shake my head as I give him a reassuring smile, " No you didn't I'm fine. Thank you though Kook. Where's Jimin and Taehyung?"

Jungkook looks around the hallway before turning back to me and shrugging his shoulders, "You know I actually don't know." How odd, usually the boys always stick together in school.

"Jungkook?" I call out to him causing him to look back up at me, "Is everything okay today? Is there something that I should be worried about?"

He shakes his head in response, "No, I don't think there is anything that you should be stressing about besides your studies and of course the little guy in there. Everything is fine Y/N there is nothing for you to be worried and or stressed about."

I stare at him not really too sure how to feel about all of it, but I let it go. If Jungkook is saying there is nothing to worry about then there shouldn't be anything to be worried about. "Jungkook! Hey Jungkook!" a familiar voice yells.

We both turn around in the opposite direction to see both Jimin and Taehyung coming this way. I feel a wave of relief wash over me as soon as I lay both of my eyes on them.  The boys greet one another before Taehyung turns to me and wraps me in a hug,  "How have you been?"

I shrug my shoulders, "The same old same old. Nothing crazy really. Just really tired."

Jimin lets out a small laugh, "Yeah I feel that. I'm exhausted from helping out this pabo over here" he says looking over at Taehyung.

"What were you guys doing hyung?" Jungkook asks Jimin.

Jimin gives Taehyung a pat on his shoulder before flashing a proud grin, "I was tutoring this kid and getting him to study. I feel pretty accomplished!"

We all start to laugh as the bell for class goes off. We all look at each other before letting out a sigh, "Aish I really don't want to go" Jungkook groans. Jimin ruffles Jungkook's hair before leading him back toward the classroom, "Well you're going so let's go."

Tae extends his hand out to me and I gladly accept it as we walk down the hallway to class. As we approach the door he pulls me off to the side, "Y/N what are you doing after school?"

"I don't think I have anything to do besides homework" I reply, "Why what's up?"

"Come with me after school, I want to spend more time with you," he states. I nod my head and give him a quick peck on the cheek before walking into the classroom, "I wouldn't miss that opportunity for the world."


I stop and let out a huff as I stand off to the side of the sidewalk, "Tae slow down I can't keep up with you if you keep on walking at the pace you are." He flashes a sheepish smile as he walks back in my direction, "Don't worry Y/N were almost to my house, promise."

Out of however long I have known Taehyung I am surprised that I have never had to have been at his house before today. You would think that since our parents were business partners that I would've at least been there once.

After a couple of more blocks, we arrive in front of a house almost similar in size to mine, "Welcome to my humble abode." Tae says as he playfully bows to me.

I bow back with a giggle as we proceed to enter the house. We close the door behind us and he takes my hand as he leads me throughout the house,  "Aren't you going to announce your home?" I ask.

He shakes his head as he continues to guide me throughout his home, "No, the house is too big for it to even matter, one. And two they still aren't very happy with everything so it does not really matter."

I guess appa's talk with his parents did not go so well if things are still the way they are. He stops in front of a door and turns around holding his hands up, "If it messy I apologize. If I knew that you would've been coming I would've cleaned beforehand."

"I'm sure it's not that bad Taehyung. I'm sure your room is fine" I reassuringly say laying a hand on his shoulder, "A messy room won't scare me away from you." He opens the door to reveal what a typical boy's room would look like. Clothes scattered on the floor with a pile accumulating in the corner. The game console and everything else that you could imagine.

As we walk in he tosses his bag onto the ground before flopping onto his bed and letting out a groan, "Ohhh how much I have missed this bed."

I let out a small laugh before joining him on the corner of the bed, "Your room is really nice Tae. I like it a lot." As I gaze over the room a tuft of yellow fur catches my eye. I pat Taehyung's back causing him to look up," Tae? What's that over there?" I ask pointing in the direction of the fur.

He looks in the direction I'm pointing in before sitting up properly on the bed, "Oh! That's my lion that I used to have when I was a child" he states walking over to it and picking it up, "See!"

I look at the plush doll with its matted fur in some areas, it showing clear characteristics of its age. He puts the doll back on his desk before softly tackling me onto the bed, " Hey! Be careful!"

He lets out a laugh before wrapping me in his arms so we're cuddling. I snuggle my head onto his chest as the room fills with the noises of us breathing. Until he talks to break the silence, "Y/N?"

"Yes?"  I answer turning my head to look up at him. I feel his arms shift eventually finding its way down to my bump slowly rubbing his hands in circles, "Do you ever wonder what he's going to be like?"

"Of course I do. I think about that all the time" I say placing my hand on his. "Y/N? Do you think we're going to be good parents?" I take in a deep breath before letting out a sigh, "I hope we can be everything we can for him Tae I really do. We might be young but that doesn't mean we can't love him the same."

I feel his head nod against mine before he shifts to look down at me. I look up at him meeting his gaze. I notice his eyes darting back and forth as if he can't find a place to concentrate and look at before shyly looking away. "You know, it's not too early to be thinking about names. So we could actually call him something besides just referring to him as a him" he laughs.

"Hmm, I guess that would be nice huh?" I giggle, "We can finally figure out a name for this little guy. Do you have any in mind?"

He lets out a humming sound as he scratches his head to think, "How about Kim Taehyung jr.?"

"Uh, how about we put that one in the maybe pile" I laugh, "Any other ideas?"

"I have about 6 more names that I can think of right now, would you like to hear them?" he smiles. I return a smile back to him as I watch his face light up with excitement, "Of course Tae shoot away."

A/N: Hey all I want to involve you guys in the story so I am open to name suggestions for baby Kim! I'll use the most popular name that pops up. I won't mention the name of the baby until the ending of the book. So there is plenty of time to pick out a name if you guys would want to suggest one!

Thank you for the support I appreciate it a lot! Anyways hope you guys have a good day!

- Kailexx

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