Chapter 2

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"Week 2"

~~ Y/N's POV ~~

The bell rings to release us to lunch break. I happily sling my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the classroom after bowing to my teacher. I walk over to the cafeteria with Seoin by my side talking about what she has been doing for basketball this past week. While walking I half-listen to Seoin and half just think about other things, lately, my mind has been all over the place.

I feel someone push their way past me I look ahead of me and see Taehyung looking back at me smirking before walking off into the cafeteria, ugh he is so irritating. "What was that about?" Seoin asks.

"Your guess is as good as mine" I shrug.

"Don't you have to see him later on tonight?" she reminds me.

I mentally facepalm myself," Shoot I totally forgot about the business meeting that we both have to attend. Curse our parents for being business partners."

"Well you could always just skip the meeting and not go" she suggests.

"Do you want me to die? You know my parents would still make me go to one of those meetings even if I was on my death bed" I huff.

"A little extreme but I understand" she replies," Have you ever thought about telling your parents about how you feel about the family business?"

I shake my head," They would probably get mad if I told them that."

"Well you are human so you should have a choice in the matter if you really don't want to be involved in the family business" she states.

"I know. One day if I feel up to it then I will say something. For the time being until we graduate I'll deal with it" I state," Enough about the business stuff, let's go eat and enjoy our lunch."

She nods her head in agreement and we walk into the cafeteria and as usual, there are a lot of people inside. You would think that because this school has a nice courtyard and that it is summer that more people would but outside eating.

Seoin and I walk to our regular table which is toward the back in front of a window. We sit down on the bench and pull out our lunches and begin to eat. School lunch is offered here, but most of the time I just bring home lunch seeing how eomma makes my lunch every day.

I dig into my lunch made up of rice, kimchi, and bulgogi. It may seem very simple compared to some of the kids that come to school with 3-course meals but it is simple and delicious enough for me.

In a matter of minutes, both Seoin and I finish our lunches and sit contently staring at each other, we both laugh simultaneously for no reason at all, "Well that was good" Seoin sighs.

"I agree, even though we ate different things that was very delicious" I agree.

"Do you want to chill in here for the rest of lunch or do you want to go get some fresh air" Seoin asks.

"Let's go give that nice courtyard some lovin" I laugh.

We pack up our things and leave the cafeteria to go to the courtyard. As we approach I hear someone talking," What do you mean I can't go anywhere after school? I have plans!"

I hold my hand up to stop Seoin from walking any further even though I'm sure she can hear the person too," Sounds like this person has some problems here." she softly laughs.

I hit her for being somewhat meanwhile trying to hold my laughter back myself.

"Ugh fine I'll be home right after school bye"

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