Chapter 24

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

"Crap, Y/N!"

I whip my head around from the guy Jimin, Jungkook, and I practically mauled and see Y/N crumpled on the ground. I rush to her and drop to her side, "Hyung what happened?"

"We don't know, we were talking then she let out a scream before collapsing to the ground" Namjoon informs.

"We tried to wake her up, but she's out cold" Yoongi adds.

I hear sirens wailing in the distance bringing some sort of relief, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in," Is Seoin conscious?"

Namjoon hyung continues to keep pressure on her wound and check her face," Barely, I don't think it would be a good idea to move her."

I nod my head and bring Y/N closer to my body as I watch both Jimin hyung and Jungkook tie up the man before throwing him against the wall. I caress Y/N's face with my thumb," Please be okay... No, you will be okay, both of you will be."


I pace back and forth in the hallway waiting to hear about how both Y/N and Seoin are doing. Seoin went in for surgery and had to get a blood donor. Hoseok hyung went with them to offer his blood for Seoin leaving the rest of us waiting for some type of news.

"Yah Taehyung pacing around making everyone else nervous isn't going to make the result come faster" Yoongi hyung sighs.

"I don't care I need to know that they all are okay. The last thing I need is for something to have happened to them, if anything happened to him..." I feel my voice catch in my throat even thinking about if something happened to the baby," if anything happened to him I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

A hand lands on my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze," Look I get it okay. But don't wrack your brain about it, Y/N and the baby should be fine and Seoin hopefully will have a healthy recovery."

I let out a deep breath," Yeah I hope so."

From the convincing of the hyungs I plant myself down in one of the chairs to wait for some sort of news about any of them while nervously biting on my thumb. A nurse approaches us with a clipboard in hand and I squeeze the side arms of the chair instantly," Kim Taehyung? Is there a Kim Taehyung here?"

"Here" I announce as I stand up from the chair. "Ah good, Miss Lee is up and requests to see you" she responds.

I nod my head," Just me for now?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want to overwhelm her for now, so until further recovery just a couple people at a time" she states," I'll take you to her room." I look back at the hyungs and they all give me encouraging expressions. I turn from them following the nurse down a series of hallways that all look strikingly similar to one another.

The nurse stops in front of a door and I politely bow to her for her help before walking into the room. I close the door behind me and turn around to Y/N sitting in a bed with an IV in and with things wrapped around her bump, " Y/N..."


I walk as fast as I can over to her side and gently pull her into an embrace being mindful of the state that she's in. She wraps her arms around me before lightly tapping my back," What happened, where's Seoin?"

I look away from her trying to think of something to tell her," Tae where is Seoin is she okay?..." I feel small hands guide my head back to look at her," Taehyung just tell me."

I scan over her face and I can see that she is trying so hard not to cry, knowing her she is probably thinking of the worst scenario possible. I intertwine my hands with hers rubbing my thumb over the backside of her hand," She's in surgery right now, she lost a lot of blood."

Y/N bites her lip before resting her head on my chest. I run my hands through her hair to try and comfort her," She will be alright Y/N. Don't worry about her. She's strong."

She nods her head and continues to rest hers on my chest. I shift on the tiny bed so now both of us are on it. Y/N lets out a soft giggle and moves around so she's more comfortable before laying down on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and we sit there until a soft knock could be heard from the door.

I shift to get up from the bed, but she grabs my arm," Stay here don't get off." I nod my head and settle back down onto the bed," Come in."

"Ah perfect you are awake and your other half is here as well" the Doctor exclaims. Y/N and I both look at each other before looking back at the doctor," Is there something wrong?"

He raises his eyebrows in confusion," Oh of course not, but I am here to inform you what happened."

"Okay then please proceed," Y/N's soft voice says.

He nods his head while tapping on the clipboard while looking through the papers there," Ah yes. So to begin with your child is fine. Nothing has happened whatsoever to harm it. Some stress, but I feel like that was just brought up from the situation. The lining of the uterus separated a little during the conflict which is why the pain was felt."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Y/N rubbing her free hand over her bump, as if that being her way to take in the situation. I clear my throat before speaking," So even though it separated, everything is still good?"

He nods his head," Yes, but Ms. Lee will have to take it easy until the baby is born, in..."

"In April" she answers.

"Yes in April. Um, it would be very extreme for me to have you on bed rest when it is only starting to be February in a couple of days. If anything I would just suggest that activity be a minimum and that you do nothing strenuous" he states," I know you both are still young, so I will have to inform a guardian..."

I look over at Y/N," My eomma should be here soon, I contacted her as soon as I woke up."

"Perfect, I will go over everything else with her when she arrives. But thank you both for your time" he replies before bowing and exiting the room. She lets out a sigh before falling back against the bed," I thought something was going to be wrong with him..."

I lightly rub her stomach before kissing it," All that matters to me is that both of you are okay." She runs her fingers through my hair before patting my head," I'm so glad that we have you."

A smile grows on my face and I kiss her forehead," And I'm glad that I have the both of you too."

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