Chapter 28

716 23 1

Week 35

~Y/N's POV~

I let out a soft whine as Taehyung continues to slowly drag me around the park, "Tae can we please stop?"

"The doctor said we have to get you up and moving jagi" he says, turning around to face me as he continues to walk backward. I let out a huff of air as I speak under my breath, "he also told me to stay at home and rest."

Once again he whips back around this time raising his eyebrow in confusion, "Did you say something Y/N or am I just hearing things?" I quickly hold up my hands and shake my head, "No no no of course not Tae." I let out a sigh as he turns back around and continues to trek forward. Being as far along as I am and trying to walk is not working out very well.

A small wave of pain rolls over my body and I stop walking causing Taehyung to jerk in front of me. "Jagiya why did you stop?" I look down and place my free hand on my swollen stomach rubbing it softly as the pain slowly starts to recede. I look up at Taehyung meeting his gaze, "Y/N is everything alright?"

I nod my head, "I just think that we should take a break for now, our son insists." He nods his head as he walks back in my direction protectively wrapping his arm around my waist leading me to the nearest bench. He helps me sit down on the bench before he sits down next to me pulling out his bag of bread crumbs and seeds he brought.

He flashes his boxy smile to me as he extends his hand out with the bag of food coaxing me to take some. I smile back as I reach into the bag and grab out a handful of bread and seeds. I watch as pidgeons start to gather around the area as Taehyung is tossing some of the contents in his hand on the ground. I throw some on the ground as well, causing more birds to fly down. I look over at Taehyung to see him smiling from ear to ear as he tries to feed each bird individually.

"Ya not you! Stop being greedy you already ate! Let your friends eat too!" he whines as he tries to scare off a couple of birds.

I throw out the rest of my handful causing birds from Taehyung's side to lose interest in him and go to food I laid out. He turns to me with a pout on my face and I can't help but let out a little laugh, "Ya don't laugh at me"

I cover my mouth with one of my hands trying my best to stifle my laughter, "Okay okay I won't."

"Good," he says with a smile before turning back to the birds making sure that they all get to eat. I slide on the bench to move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, snuggling into him with one arm wrapped around his and the other resting on my stomach.

I bite my lip as the same pain from before comes back wrapping around my sides this time. My hand wraps around the sleeve of Taehyung's shirt causing his handful of food to spill. I hear him let out a whine but he instantly goes quiet as he looks down at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath willing for the pain to go away as Taehyung strokes my head.

"Jagiya? Y/N? Look at me please" Taehyung says softly cupping my chin with his hand. I meet his gaze as he studies my face as if he is looking for any more indicators that I am in pain. "Is it braxton hicks again?"

" I think so. I'm still a little over a month away from my due date I don't think these would be the real thing." I say shrugging my shoulders unsure of if it was the real thing or not.

He plants a kiss on my forehead before taking my hands into his and giving them a light squeeze, "Okay maybe we should go back home now. I think everyone else should be there. You can relax with the hyungs when the vocal line and I go out to record."

I nod my head as he helps me up off of the bench and collects all of our belongings before we head back to the car.


I decided to take a nap as soon as we arrived back home, all of that walking really exhausted me more than it should of. I roll out of bed and walk downstairs and see Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok all talking to each other in the living room. Hoseok is the first to notice me as he stops talking to wave to me walking down the stairs, "Good morning sleeping beauty."

I smile as I sit down on the couch next to them as Yoongi and Namjoon greet me, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel good. I really needed that nap, the walk was so exhausting" I sigh.

"That's good, but it couldn't have been that bad right?" Yoongi asks causing the other two boys to look at him.

I let out a laugh, "I don't think you would be saying that if you had to carry a human inside of you and walk around. Watch out Yoongi you are going to have to deal with this when you eventually have a kid."

He smiles shyly as he tries to cover his face as he gets red, "See hyung look at you getting all red!" Hoseok laughs.

"How are the other ones doing?" I ask turning toward Namjoon. He looks down at his phone and then back up at me, "They should be done relatively soon. They said they want to try and be faster than us at recording."

I nod my head and laugh as that totally seems like something that they would want to try and do, "Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?"

They nod their heads as I push myself up off of the couch to go into the kitchen to grab everyone what they want. I reach up into the cabinet to grab 4 glasses but stop as a huge wave of pain rolls over my body causing me to drop one of the glasses and grip the counter so hard until my knuckles are white.

I hear the 3 boys rush over the kitchen standing there looking at me, "Aish Y/N take it easy. Go sit down, we can handle it." Yoongi states moving me away from the broken glass on the floor. He passes me off to Namjoon as he starts to clean up the glass on the floor and Hoseok starts to make everyone's drinks.

I hold on to Namjoon's arm as he guides me back over to the couch. I stop to lean onto the wall as another wave of pain overcomes me. I let out a whimper as I squeeze Namjoon's arm, "Ya-a Y/N let's get you to the couch" he stutters.

I nod my head, but as I take a step a pain like no other takes over my body. I let out a groan as an overwhelming amount of pressure builds up before releasing with a faint popping noise. I feel a warm liquid begin to run down my legs and I go still, "Joon..."

I look around to see both Yoongi and Hoseok staring at me from the kitchen and Namjoon staring at me with wide eyes, "Is that what I think it is?"

I gulp as I nod my head, "Yah one of you call Taehyung!" Namjoon shouts at the other boys.

I squeeze my eyes shut as what I am assuming at this point to be another contraction rolls through my body. I try to breathe properly as Namjoon leads me to the couch, "Any chance on reaching him?"

Yoongi and Hoseok both shake their heads no. "Aish the one time this kid doesn't answer his phone has to be right now."

Just as he says that we hear keys rattling outside of the door and a bunch of familiar voices outside causing all of us to look at the door. The door pushes open and the rest of the boys walk inside. Taehyung walks in behind the rest of them and closes his mouth as he is about to say something as he looks around the house. "Why is there broken glass and a wet puddle on the ground?" he asks scratching his head.

Hoseok opens his mouth to answer him but is cut off from me letting out a loud groan as I double over in pain on the couch. Taehyung's attention shifts over to me with a look of both confusion and worry on his face. "Taehyung her water broke, the baby is coming."

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