Right Before.

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Hi, I’m Kaya Hunt. I recently moved to La Push about 4 days ago because my mom thinks it would be better for my siblings and I to be at because of our secret. I’m different than any 15 year old girl. I’m Filipino and Native American. My family really shows the Native American part because my mom doesn’t really accept being who she is. But we take up some Filipino words and traditions. Anyways, my mom is a widow because my father died 8 months ago. I have 2 brothers, one is 14 years old, and the other is 6 years old. I also have a baby sister that my mom gave birth to 3 days ago, yeah I know, one day after we moved here. The other reason why we moved here was because we have family here and my mom wanted us to be closer to them because of our ‘secret’. I started acting different when this day came.

--My POV—

Me and my two brothers were walking around the small city of La Push because we wanted to get use to the place. I remember I use to come here when I was little to visit my cousin. But I stopped after I was 5, I don’t know why but it did. But I’m glad to be back, especially with my family.

Dad, I thought, we are here for you. We came back to where you were born and raised. I’m attending La Push high school, your alma mater. We miss you so much. I’m doing good, I’m raising the boys with mom. Mom just gave birth to Kiona. It would be better if you were here. I love you dad. I’ll always be your baby girl.

As tears started filling up my eyes, my brothers shouted,

Kwoli: HEY! LOOK! ICE CREAM! Can we get some, please Kaya?

Kola: YEAH, PLEASE! I’ll be good, I promise!

They started to beg me. I could never say no to them because I kind of was in the mood for ice cream. So I walked inside with my brothers behind because they saw this store they wanted to look at. As I walk inside, I see a group of guys with Jacob Black in it. He is in my lab partner Chemistry class. As I look at the guys, they were all so buff and big, and tan. They had a tattoo they reminded me like someone’s but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I met my eyes with this guy, black hair, brown eyes, and a nice smile. CRAP, I thought! Then I heard Kola run from behind and I turn around and lift him into my arms.

Me: what do you want Kola? How about you Kwoli?

After we finished ordering, we sat down farthest away from those guys. I didn’t know if my feelings were right or my head, but I felt like it.

KAYA, you can’t do this right now. You just moved here. You possibly can’t do it now. It’s impossible for you to understand. You’re just overreacting. You probably just think he’s cute. Yeah, he’s just cute. That’s all you see him ass. A cute boy.

---Seth’s POV—-

The guys and I decided to go get some ice cream because we all worked so hard last night. Once we got our ice cream, we sat down and started talking. Who knows about what, all I know is, I was tired but hungry. I was talking to Quil, then I heard the door open. I looked up and there was a girl. She was beyond beautiful. She had long, brown hair that reached the tip of her waist, tan skin, and nice body, and nice smile. Can I see her eyes? I thought hoping she’d turn to look at us. And she did, I couldn’t stop staring. She had light brown eyes and they were beautiful. All I know is that, I think I imprinted and it felt like I was floating.

Quil: hey snap out of it man. What’s gotten into you?


Embry: awwwww, Sethy imprinted!

Paul: who’s the lucky lady Seth?

They turn around and see a girl ordering. Then two boys come from behind and order with her. Those must be her brothers. They all look really alike. I couldn’t stop staring. Until I heard someone clear their throat.

Jake: dude, her? Did you really?

Me: yeah why?

Jake: I know her. She’s my lab partner in Chemistry. She’s really smart and nice. You know she’s in our PE class right?

Me: really? How come I’ve never noticed her?

I stared at her again, and I started smiling and I couldn’t stop.

Jake: hey man. Want me to introduce you to her? I’d be more than happy to.

Me: yeah! Please? Thanks man!

Jake: no problem. You owe me then.

Me: I know, I know.

We stood up and started walking towards her. I can feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart started beating faster. Then we reached her table. 

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