In His Arms.

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--My POV--
I walked into my room and just leaned my back against the wall and started to slide down. Tears coming down my face, and I held my knees closer to my chest. I knew what I was crying about. Seth Clearwater, loving another girl. I cried for almost an hour thinking of my heart shattering a million times over one boy. It hurts watching the person you love, love someone else. I heard my door open but I didn’t dare to look up. Someone picked me up, sat on my bed, and cradled me in their arms. I looked up and saw my mother. She had that worried look on her face. Every emotion I felt, she would always feel for some reason. But once I saw her, I started to cry in her arms. Its okay honey. Everything will be okay. Everything just takes time. I love my mom with all my heart, but I didn’t want time. I wanted Seth.

Me: he loves someone else mom. It hurts so much.

Mom: I know it does honey, I know it does. I’m sorry you have to go through this at this age. I wish your father was here to comfort you. He always knew how to make you feel better. Remember what he would always do? Well, since he isn’t here, it’s time for one of my remedies.

She moved the hair that was covering my face, behind my ear, and started to sing. My mom had the voice of an angel. Well, she did to me. She started to sing and rock me back and forth, like when I was a little kid. Memories started to pop in head with my mom, dad, little brother, and I. I started to cry and my mom knew what I was crying about. It’s weird having your mom know every thought you have, but it was good at the same time because she would know what I’m going through. But she doesn’t know everything. My mom only reads my mind when she has to. Not when she wants to. But while she was still singing to me, I started to think about Seth again. I sighed really big, and my mom held me closer.

Me: I miss daddy’s hugs mom.

Mom: I do too Kaya, I do too.

---Seth’s POV---

I couldn’t just sit at home waiting for tomorrow for me to see her. I walked out of the house, and walked to her house. I went in front of her window. It was open, and I heard crying. She was crying again! I heard Mai talking to her. She started singing. Her voice was so heavenly. But I wasn’t there to hear her sing. I was here to see Kaya. She was cradled in Mai’s arms. Then I heard her,

Kaya: I miss daddy’s hugs mom.

Mai: I do too Kaya, I do too.

That moment made me break because it made me think of my dad’s embrace. Dad, I miss you. I wish you were here to help me with my imprint. She’s not normal, but I still love her. Dad, why did you have to leave? I miss you so much dad. Tears started to run down my face and I just sat there crying to myself. I was still crying when I look to check up on Kaya again. She wasn’t in there anymore. Where could she have gone? But tears were still running down my face, knowing I’m crying because of my dad, and because of her. Then I saw shoes in front of me. I jerked my head up and saw Kaya, holding out her hand to help me up. She had that beautiful smile on her face. I grabbed it, and as I got up, tears were still running down my face, she hugged me so I can cry on her shoulder. I started to calm down from crying. She took my hand, and our fingers laced in together. She took me inside the house where she had set up two cups of hot chocolate for us.

Me: how did you know I was here? Where’s your mom? I shouldn’t be here. My family will worry.

Kaya: Seth, don’t worry. My mom is upstairs sleeping. She’s the one that saw you outside my window while she was closing my window. And don’t worry, I already called Leah and your mom. I said you were sleeping over because Kola wanted you to sleep over.

Me: oh, thanks. Uh, so.

Kaya: are you okay Seth?

Me: yeah, it’s just, nothing. You’re probably wondering why I was here.

Kaya: Nope. I don’t care. You’re here, that’s all that matters.

Me: really?

A smile came upon my face and I started to blush. She giggled at me and I felt like she was reading my mind. Great, she knew then.

Me: are you reading my mind? I am just curious.

Kaya: uh, no. I only read people’s mind if I have to. Not if I want to.

Me: so you WANT to read my mind.

Kaya: kind of. But it’s okay. I don’t need to worry about you. All that matters is my best friend is here, and happy.

Me: thanks Kai. You’re a good best friend. What time is it?

Kaya: 10. Come on, you look tired. Let’s go upstairs. You can wear one of Kwoli’s shorts for when you sleep.

She grabbed my hand, and our fingers laced in together. I liked it. If this is what she does with her best friends, I wonder what she does with her boyfriends. Okay, too far.

--My POV—

I led him upstairs into Kwoli’s room, took our one of his shorts and we went into my room. He changed into the shorts, and we watched a movie. While sitting on my bed, our backs against the wall, I started to lay my head on his shoulder, and his arm went across my waist. I felt safe in his grip. He kept pulling me closer and tighter towards him. I slowly started to doze off during the movie. I woke up 20 minutes before the movie ended.

Me: do you want to sleep in my room or Kwoli’s room?

Seth: can I sleep here?

Me: sure.

I smiled that he wanted to sleep in here with me and I started to doze off again till the movie ended. I woke up at midnight with a blanket on top of me. I jerked up and started to look for Seth. I look down on my floor and saw him there with one pillow and no blanket. I felt bad, so I decide to have him sleep on my bed with me. I got up out of bed, and tried to shake him to wake him up.

5 more minutes mom. I’m tired’ he mumbled in his sleep. I giggled because it was adorable. So he wouldn’t wake up. I just lifted him up, and set him gently on the bed other side of the bed. Hmph. Just because I’m a tiny girl, doesn’t mean I’m not strong. I climbed onto bed and laid down on my side, my back facing Seth and my face facing the door. I started falling asleep till I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Before I even opened my eyes, I knew it was Seth’s, of course. He’s probably thinking he’s hugging a pillow. I should get out of his grip, but then again, I won’t have a chance like this again. And I just let it be. I fell asleep and started to toss and turn a couple hours later. It was around 6 AM. The next thing I knew, I was face to face with Seth’s face. I couldn’t help but smile and stare at his perfect face. He held me closer and tightened his grip around my waist and I was against his chest and my head on his right arm while his left is around my waist. I just fell asleep like that, hoping he doesn’t wake up and gets scared. 

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