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--My POV—

3 weeks passed and Seth and I would hang out nonstop. As we got closer and closer, my gravitational pull kept getting tighter and tighter. I kept hoping he was feeling the same pull. He knew every single thing about me, and I knew every single thing about him. It felt like my life was great, but every night, I always have a feeling someone was watching me. It also felt like I keep forgetting to do something, but I don’t remember what. One night I woke up, in the middle of the night, having a feeling in my gut that someone was watching me at that moment. I suddenly jerked up and saw a figure behind my window, coming from the outside. It was too dark to even recognize it or see it. I rubbed my eyes to ensure something was there, but then it was gone. It started to freak me out even more that I saw something that night, and I barely got any sleep for the past couple days. As much as I was scared for myself, I was scared for my family. Listen Kaya. I thought to myself. You have to protect your family no matter what. Whether you are just imagining it or not, protecting your family and secret, is your number one priority. PROTECTING THE TRIBE AND THE PACK IS ALSO MY NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. THEY ARE NOW FAMILY, AND THEY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. Okay, okay, they are family. Just make sure no one gets hurt in time.

I started to keep my watch everywhere me and my family went. I would go on secret patrols by myself to make sure nothing is out there to harm anyone. Every night that I go to sleep, I always have different dreams, but there’s always one person who stayed in each dream. He looked familiar, but I let it go. I mean after all, they are just dreams. Right?

I let that all pass as I started to think about Seth. I knew I was suppose to make him jealous but I never had the thought of being with someone else. Another week passed and I felt like it was the right time to tell Seth. It was time for me to show him how I feel. He’s been talking nonstop about the girl he loves, and I can’t stand it anymore. He needs to know the truth. At the end of the week, Seth and I went to our daily spot.

---Seth’s POV---

I decided I’m going to tell her who I’m finally in love with. I’ve been talking about her nonstop and I hope she figured it was her. We went to our daily spot and I never asked her about this question either. So I decided to ask.

Me: Qahla, if you don’t mind, I was wondering if you can tell me why you blame yourself for your father’s passing?

She instantly froze as I mentioned her father’s passing. ‘if you don’t want to talk about it, then it’s fine. I’m sorry I even brought it up.’ I tried apologize.

Kaya: no, it’s okay. I think it’s time you figured.

She let out a deep sigh and started to explain that whole day. She told me everything, from the ex-boyfriend, to her watching her brothers being hurt, to her finally phasing.

Kaya: If I wasn’t so mad, or if I wasn’t close to my dad, he would still be here right now. I phased right in front of him and he had a heart attack. I know I shouldn’t blame myself, but it always occurred to me that I was the reason.

Me: Kaya, it’s not your fault. Blaming yourself isn’t going to make anything better. I want you to stop thinking like that.

She looked up at me and nodded. We sat there in silence till we spoke at the same time, ‘I have to tell you something.. No you first, no you first’ We paused and laughed at each other.

Me: Okay, you first.

Kaya: Well, you know how you have been talking about the girl you are in love with? I think it’s time for me to tell you who I love.

I stood there in shock thinking, She’s going to tell me who she loves. Please be me, please be me, please be me. UHG, it’s not going to be you. I know it isn’t. I nodded so she can keep going. She started describing him, and I just sat there in jealousy.

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