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--My POV—

I just want you to be happy Seth Clearwater. I just want you to be mine. If only you knew. If only I could have told you. But you said, make sure they are happy. If I told you, you wouldn’t be happy. I sighed to myself as we walked back. Everything was already put away. I said my byes to everyone, and we were off with Jake. We were finally in front of my house. My mom grabbed Kiona and right before I grabbed Kola, Jake said he would get him. We walked to the house, side by side.

Jake: so did you tell him?

Me: nope.

Jake: what? Why not?

Me: he said the only thing you can do is make sure your imprint is happy. And he wouldn’t be happy if I told him.

Jake: why wouldn’t he be?

Me: because he already imprinted on someone else!

Jake: wait, what?!

Me: just drop it okay? I don’t want to think about it.

Jake: but Qahla,


After I said that, I started to growl at him. I don’t what has gotten into myself. All I know is that I scared him. I turned around and calmed myself down while he put Kola on his bed.

Me: look Jake I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. But please, you and Sam just stay out of my head. Out of my love life. I’ll deal with it, when I can. Please tell Sam that.

Jake: it’s okay Kai. I understand. I’ll tell him. Don’t worry. I just want you to be happy. I don’t want to see you like this.

He grabs me and puts me in a bear hug.

Me: thanks Jake. I know I can always count on you and Sam. But can you let go? I can’t breathe.

He laughs and lets me go.

Me: Look after Kwoli okay? I don’t to see any scratches on him! Especially from Paul!

Jake: I’ll look after him. Don’t worry Qahla. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.

Me: night Jake. See you tomorrow.

(Sorry this is short.)

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