Walk and Talk.

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---Seth’s POV---

‘Someone wants to go talk to you Seth.’ Mai whispered in my ears. I turned around and saw Kaya leaning against a tree. I stood up and walked towards her. I started to freak out in my head. What was I going to say? What if I make her mad at me again? I’m getting closer. THINK OF SOMETHING STUPID.

Kaya: hey Seth.

Me: hey Kaya.

Kaya: hmm, want to go for a little walk and talk?

Me: I’d like that.

I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she wants to go walk and talk. We walked in complete silence for awhile, right before I was going to speak up.

Kaya: why are you calling me Kaya again? I told you, you can call me Qahla or Kai.

Me: oh. I thought only friends would call you those. So I thought,

Kaya: wait, I thought we were friends.. You don’t want to be friends anymore?

Me: NO! Of couse I want to be friends. I just thought since you were mad at me,

Kaya: wait, I’m not mad at you. I never was. What are you talking about Seth Clearwater?

Me: I mean, at Sam’s, you seemed mad at me since you wouldn’t look at mr or talk to me. You wouldn’t even say bye to me. You just growled. And Seth Clearwater? Why are you using my full name?

Kaya: sorry, I have a habit of doing that when I’m mad. But no, I wasn’t mad. I was just sad and disappointed.

She walked forward and sat on a rock near the edge of the cliff. I sat next to her.

Me: what do you mean? Why were you sad and disappointed?

She just stared out in the open, and I heard a big sigh before she started talking.

Kaya: Remember when I saw you at Sam’s? When he started to yell at me and I took him outside? He read my mind that I imprinted. That’s why he was furious with me.

I swore I heard my heart shatter when she said she imprinted. How could she imprint? I imprint on her already! WAIT, that story she told. STUPID. She doesn’t feel the gravitational pull YOU FEEL. Idiot.

Kaya: When we went outside, we had an argument why he won’t let me date my imprint. He said that he already imprinted on someone else. After he told me that, my heart just shattered. It felt like I couldn’t walk anymore. I didn’t want to deal with anyone anymore. Just because I’m a coyote, doesn’t mean I can’t feel the pain of a wolf.

Tears started to fall down her face. I couldn’t help but hug her tight like at her house and have her cry on my shoulder. My shirt started to get soaked because of her tears, but I didn’t care. I just wanted my imprint to feel better.

Me: I know the pain hurts. I know what you are going through. Loving someone, who already loves someone else. Join the club. Me and my sister both. You’re not alone on this.

I can hear her stop crying, she lifts her head off of my shoulder and looks into my eyes. She was so pretty in the moonlight. I wiped away her tears on her face with my hand.

Kaya: How do you deal with it?

Me: the only thing you can do is make sure they are happy. And hope one day, they realize they belong with you.

You need to make her fall in love with you Seth. Before she decides on that other guy and hurts her again. You need to make her realize that she is your whole world, and that you only care for her. You need to make sure, she’s safe in your arms. You need to make her yours, before someone else does. Was the only thing I thought while with her in my arms looking at the moon light. Just tell her you idiot! Why can’t you just tell her so she will know. Just let her know. NOW. Before you regret it! I open my mouth, right before I said something, she jumped a little in my arms.

Me: are you okay?

Kaya: yeah. My mom just called me, *points to her head * she said we have to go. Thanks for everything Seth. I’m glad to have you as a best friend.

Me: I know. I’m glad to have you as my best friend. Remember, just make sure that imprint is happy, and hope.

I just want you to be happy Kaya Hunt. I want you to be mine. If only you knew.

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